Chapter 1- Lilies and a Rose

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Conner was walking with Megan and their friends; Kim and Karen, towards the football field. Conner is showing off and starts walking backwards on the railing that bordered the flowerbed. He isn't paying attention and doesn't see a girl climbing over the railing holding a tray of flowers. She was wearing black pants, with a long sleeve black shirt, and green gardening gloves. Her bright red hair tied back into a ponytail with a rose hair comb at the top. "Conner watch out," Megan said, but it was to late he tripped over the girl and they both fell to the ground. The flowers fall everywhere, one even falling in Conner's hair "Conner are you alright?" Karen asked, "I'm fine," "Are you okay?" Megan asked the girl, but she didn't answer she was too busy picking up the flowers. Megan helped her pick them up and when they were all back in the tray,  the girl nodded thanks and walked away. "Who is she?" Conner asked, realizing the flower was still in his hair when Megan pulled it out throwing it to the side.  "That's Lilith Mural," Kim says, "She the one who takes care of all the plants around the school," Karen added, "Why?" Megan asked, "Because she's in the gardening club," Kim said then continued. "Well more like she is the gardening club." "We heard everyone else in the club quit because the accidents," Karen added, "What accidents?" Conner asks, "Lots of stuff, one kid got nearly blinded after he 'fell' into a rose bush. He says it was like the bush just wouldn't let go of him." "Another girl had to go to the hospital after she developed a horrible rash after club one day, the doctors said it was poison ivy but she said she hadn't touched any." "We heard the club is cursed." "Apparently the accidents all started after she joined."

"Were they her fault?" Megan asked, "The old members seemed to think so, but there was no proof." Karen said.

Later after Conner dropped Megan off at the field for her cheer practice,  he came back and saw Lilith planting the flowers. He walked up to her and said, "Hey," she looked up for a second but went back to working, without a word. "I'm sorry about earlier," She didn't say anything so he continued, "I didn't mean too, I just didn't see you." She shrugged and said, "Most people don't," "So what are you planting?" "Lilies," he leans down to look, she sweeps her bags behind her ear and he sees the bruise on her face. "Where did you get that from?" He points at her face she looks away, letting her hair hide her face. "Nowhere, now if you don't mind I have a lot of work to do." She picks up the box of flowers and walks away.

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