Chapter 23: Meghan

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I can't believe I saw Victoria. I had been months since I last saw her and honestly it was weird seeing her again. I was never close with her, and being around her was just as awkward as it was when we first met her. But to be honest, I feel like it would be the same way if it would have been any other one of the girls. I had new friends, I did miss the girls, well for the most part, but there was nothing I could do about what happened between us all.

It hurts to think about the past so I don't really want to think about it. Since Louis and I split, I started seeing this boy but I couldn't stand him. He was nothing like Louis. The person I was going to date had to out do Louis and honestly I don't think that anyone could.

I think that Louis will be that boy I will never get over. He will be the one that will always make my heart flutter when he sings, or talks, or when I just see him. He'll never get to know that but it's all the truth.

I couldn't wait to get off work to see if the boys had done an interview today. I still loved them all and I still loved listening and watching them. I hated working at the restaurant seeing people and having them ask me questions that I just didn't feel like answering but I needed the money to keep my feet on the ground.

I finally got off work and rushed home and up to my room. I opened my laptop and saw on one of the many One Direction web sites that the boys had done an interview early this morning and I quickly pushed the play button.

The boys looked unhappy. Harry seemed to be thinking of something totally indifferent to what the interview was about. The interviewer asked him about what was going on but he just replied with a 'I'm fine'. Niall seemed hungry. Typical Niall. But he also looked like he needed to spill something to someone but he just couldn't. Louis, you could just tell, was trying to make the interview a fun one, but it just wasn't working. His jokes just didn't seem as funny and witty as they once were. Zayn was being quiet, but quieter than normal. It looked as if he had just seen a ghost and wasn't even present. Liam, was trying to hold the band together and tired to help Louis keep the interview going, but you could tell something was getting to him.

I watched closely to Louis the second time watching the interview. I could sense hurt in his voice, it was something only I could usually hear. That was one thing I learned over the time of dating him. I was the only one who heard the hurt in his voice even when he was acting totally happy. I stared at him wanting to give him one last hug.

Thinking of his hugs brought back the smell of him as if he were standing next to me. It felt as though his presence was around me. I moved to the edge of my bed and moved over to my closet where I kept a striped t-shirt of Louis I took before we split and removed my top and slid it on over me. It felt perfect every time I wore the shirt. It felt like I was back with him, and it felt as though he were mine again.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes just picture the past and how happy I was with Louis just trying to figure out where we went wrong. I heard my door creak open and then closed and then my bed slight a little as pressure from a person moved the bed. I was too lost in thought to care who was sitting in my room so I complete ignored them.

I heard the voice speak and I continued to get lost in my thoughts. Its like Louis was in the room with me. His scent became easier to remember, his voice seemed more real than in my head. It was like the butterflies were in my stomach the way they used to be. The hands of the person touched my finger tips and it felt like the soft skin that Louis had.

I sat up slowly opening my eyes just hoping to see the boy I was in love with sitting there. When I opened my eyes I realized that no one was there. It was all in my imagination. I got so caught up in thinking about him that it felt so real to me, like a dream.

After all I had felt in that little 'dream', I had this feeling of obligation to go for a walk. I needed to find Louis and I needed to talk to him about what I was feeling. I left the house in his t-shirt, which of course called attention to paparazzi and they snapped photo after photo while asking me millions of questions in which I ignored.

I made my way to Louis and Harry's apartment in hope that they would be there and not out doing god knows what. I approached the apartment complex and made my way to the room and knocked. I waited for a few seconds and with no reply I knocked again hoping a face would appear at the door, but no face did.

I stared at the door for a few minutes, disappointed, and walked off. I headed down to the arena in which the boys would be performing at later that night and saw Paul standing outside the arena on the phone. I patiently waited for him to get off and approached him.

"Hey Paul. I was wondering if I could speak with Louis, it's very important." I looked at him and he looked at me as though he forgot who I was. "I'm Louis' ex." I thought it would help him remember, and it did. He looked as though he was contemplating whether or not to let me see Louis. "Please Paul I will only be 5 minutes and then I'll be gone."

Paul finally gave in and let me in. Fans that had been standing around were screaming at the doors opened while Paul and I walked back into the arena. He shut the doors behind us and told me where to go. Not that I didn't know. I could hear the boys practicing on stage and I made my way through the arena and up to the stage.

The boys, at first, didn't notice that I was there but after they finished singing and took a drink break, Niall spotted me and looked at Louis. "Hey lad, you have a visitor." Niall stared at Louis wide eyed. Louis slowly turned and looked in my direction, followed by all the boys doing the same.

"If this is an evil joke and all the others girls show up I'm outie." Zayn's voice was certain on that and I shook my head letting him know it was just me. Louis said not a word and I stared at him. His eyes glanced down at the shirt that had been his lay against my skin. A slight smile spread across his face but then it quickly faded. The boys left the stage and walked off with Paul who called them off the stage.

This left Louis and I alone, and I was ready to have the conversation I have been dying to have with him since we broke up.

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