I'm letting you go

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I'm letting you go

"""If your ex became your friend or bestfriend, it means you never stopped loving each other."" I saw this post on facebook a few days ago, and it was the only push that I needed to see the whole truth. That you're still in love with her, your ex. And that, she's still in love with you too.

At first, I became jealous of her, mainly because she's your ex and you're still close with each other. I became jealous that instead of me being the first person you seek out when you're sad or happy, you seek her first. This became our main argument in our relationship hahaha. I was jealous, keyword WAS. I don't know, I guess I just realized and came to accept the fact that I can't have you without her. That you guys are a team. I didn't have a choice because I didn't want to lose you, although you never gave me that incentive, I just knew that if I made you chose between us, it'd be her. Beggars can't be choosers, diba?

Although I believe you when you say that you love me, I know you do. I just also know that you love her more than me and that you're still IN LOVE with her. Loving someone and being in love with someone is completely different. I see it everytime when the both of you are together, you are so much happier around her. And so is she. I have to give it to your ex too, she didn't even once, made me feel that she wants to steal you back. She was a sport. She was genuine, not once did I doubt her when she said that she was no threat to us.

I'm letting you go not because I don't love you. I do. I love you very much it hurts. I love you to the point that I can't keep you all to myself, where I know you are not 100% happy. I love you so much that I'm willing to let you go for your ex. I love you that it made me insecure and afraid of not making you completely happy by my side.

I love you. You love me. She loves you, and you're still in love with her. Guess I lose, right? I better raise the white flag now and claim defeat, so you can claim your prize. Your first love, first heartbreak, your ex.

Your ever supportive girlfriend,
C xx"


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