You have to know me better

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You have to know me better

There is another way to know if a person really loves you. Whether a friend, a sibling, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your wife/husband. He/she should know your likes and dislikes and some of the things you are interested in.

Let's play a game!

Let's try them! Tag them and let them choose the thing that you like the most between the two options per number.

1. Burger or Donut?
2. Snacks or Bread?
3. Juice or Frappe?
4. Coffee or Milk?
5. Music or Movie?
6. Reading or Writing?
7. Singing or Dancing?
8. Rice or Pizza?
9. Clothes or Shoes?
10. Studying or Surfing the net?
11. Junkfoods or Veggies?
12. Egg or Chicken?
13. Street foods or Expensive foods?
14. Chocolates or Fruits?
15. Water or Softdrinks?

There's no playsafe allowed. Don't let them to choose both. Let's see if they really know you. Good luck!

PS: This is actually a survey for my thesis. Lol.

Institute of Accountants, Business and Finance (IABF)
FEU Manila

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