Six: Wrong

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(Okay Can I just say how amazing you guys are? I literally JUST posted a chapter and now its at 115 reads. You guys are insane! I love it! Keep reading, I love you all. :*) 

~ღღღHarry's POVღღღ~

Okay so she wants to say she's done with me, then fine. I'm done with her. 

Not that we really had anything going on. 

She irritated me so much, it was like she was crawling underneath my skin, and I just couldn't make it stop. Honestly, I don't know why I ever came back to her dorm and kissed her, I don't know why I even agreed to kiss her in the first place. I guess it was because I felt sorry for her, I mean, a girl that hasn't kissed a guy at 21? That's pretty upsetting. 

Outside of the alley, Ben stood against a tall metal flag pole, smoking his dope. He looked at me, grinning. I never knew why I had never stood up against him, I wasn't scared. No, Harry Styles isn't scared of anything. I could kill him easily, but not alone. He was surrounded by the rest of his gang, and they would all willingly attack me if he told them to. so 13 against one, yeah, I would lose by a long shot. 

When I saw Katherine on the road, realizing it had been her that I was to... harass, I could feel my heart drop. Why had it been me? Of course she could never trust me now, I had been so cruel to her, I didn't deserve to be her friend. Well, like I said, I'm Harry Styles. I don't deserve anything but to be alone. 

She had looked at me with her innocent eyes, and that's what had made my heart break. 

But now, I was completely and utterly just angry with her. Why did she have to be so careful? Why couldn't she just fucking kiss me and not worry about whether I liked her or not? Which I don't of course, I don't like anyone, my one true love remains myself. Ben walked to me, his small lit bud at his side as he flicked the end of it. 

"Styles," he slurred. "What makes you think I would allow you back into my group after your little... Conflict with us?"

"Because it won't happen again, I swear." 

He blew a puff of smoke in my face, which didn't bother me as much as it used to. Ben's hand slapped across my face. "it better not." He hissed. 

His face was only a few inches from mine as he blew the smoke into my face. I wanted to cough, and the constant smoke stung my eyes, but I couldn't. He finally backed away, motioning into the small abandoned building. "Go on in, we have a surprise waiting for you."

I opened the heavy metal door, stepping inside. The other boys were throwing aside things, i couldn't quite see what they were. 

"Boys!" I heard Ben Kyle behind me. "Separate, let Styles get in there." 

I looked to see what they were huddled around, or who. 

The pieces they were throwing, they weren't what I had thought they were. Beside my foot was a shirt, and across the room had been shorts. They were female clothes, of course. My jaw clenched. I had done plenty of terrible things, but never had I hurt a woman, or touched her in any way unless she wanted me to. As far as I would go would be kissing. 

The men separated, revealing a girl in a chair, scared and trembling. She was only in a bra and underwear, and when I looked to her face, I knew I had seen her from somewhere. 

Oh fuck me. 

"Andrea?" I asked. 

"Harry p-please. Help me!" She shrieked. "Don't let them- don't let them..." She trailed off in a fit of cries. 

"Where is Katherine?" 

"She- She's on a date, she's safe. Harry please!"  Andrea sniffed, shaking uncontrollably. I looked to Ben, who was smirking at me. 

"Well go on."

"Fuck you." I hissed. Hands closed around my neck, hitting me against a wall. God damn, you can't say one thing in here...

"Listen here, you either do it or you leave, and we will make your life a living hell." Ben Kyle said. 

The hands around my neck disappeared, leaving me breathing for air. 

"So do the right thing here, Harry." Ben smirked. I stood up, swallowing. 

"Harry no! Please..." Andrea's eyes widened, shaking her head. 

"I stepped towards her, staring at her watery, red puffy eyes. 

"No!" She cried harder. 

I grabbed her, slinging her over my shoulder and before you could say fuck, I was out of there. 

(A/N: So.... I hope you guys liked that chapter. Aw, look at Harry making the right decisions and showing his softer side. Okay, so right now the story is at 115 reads. 

I will upload the next chapter when I gets to 150 reads. 

can we do it?

yes we can! 

So read, and don't forget to vote. 

remember, I love you!) 

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