Chapter 6 - You're messing with my head

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"So, Harry isn't back yet?" Zayn asked.
"Nope," Liam said, shaking his head.
"He seemed really excited when he left last night." Louis said, raising his eyebrows.
"Wonder who the girl is," Zayn joked.
"I was more concerned about Niall to be honest. The whole Stacy thing seemed to be really getting to him." Liam said, handing Zayn and Louis their tea.
"Yeah, think he was feelin a bit worried about Harry, actually." Zayn said.
"What do you mean?" Louis frowned.
"Well, ya know when Stacy n Harry were in the living-room yesterday..."
"Niall got the impression that he'd walked in on something."
"He said that?" Liam looked at Zayn.
"Yeah, but I told him his mind was probably messin with him. Harry wouldn't do that. Especially after Niall told us that he has a thing for Stacy." Zayn assured the boys and himself.
"Yeah, but Harry wasn't here when Niall told us." Liam remembered.
Zayn thought about it for a while. "You're right, Liam. Harreh decided to hit the showers. That was after you guys had the 'discussion' about the charger. Remember, Loueh?" Zayn laughed, turning to Louis and realizing that he was no longer there.

Louis’ P.O.V.

I knew I had to speak to Harry before things went any further. I saw his car pull in to the driveway, so I thought I'd catch him while he was still outside. "Harry. What's going on between you and Stacy?"
"Wohw, easy there Lou. There's no need to get jealous," Harry smirked.

"Harry, I'm serious. Tell me exactly what happened yesterday when you two were in the living-room," I demanded.
He looked at me as if he was trying to decide if I was seriously meddling in his business. My face was serious as I waited for the answer which he dragged out in the most annoying fashion. "Well, Stace had my phone and she refused to give it back. I guess she needed a bit of persuasion," he said, unable to stop himself from smiling, or maybe not even trying.
"So you, kissed her?" I asked, half knowing what the answer would be. I was waiting for him to respond and yet I didn't want to hear his answer. For all the time that I've known Harry he'd been quite the charmer, but this was unimaginable. I just couldn't believe that he would do something like this to Niall.
"Yeah," he admitted, his smile spreading.
I just looked at him trying to figure out a way to fix this.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to ruin our friendship or anything. I won't break her heart. I promise."
"Have you quite finished yet?" I was growing impatient.
He looked at me surprised. His expression immediately turning serious.
"It's not her heart that I'm worried about, not at this stage anyway."
"Louis, what are you rambling about?"
Did he really have no idea?
"He's talking about Niall." I heard Liam's voice from behind me.
"What about Niall?" Harry looked at both of us, confused.
"Niall is really into Stacy, Harreh. He just told us yesterday."
Okay, make that the three of us.
Harry looked at us waiting to discover that it was all just a sick joke, but he soon realized that we meant what we had said.

 Harry's P.O.V.

"Shit! Shit. Shit. Shit."
They just stood there looking at me, looking at each other.
"Tell me you're joking!" I demanded, pleaded.
They shook their heads and I turned around. I needed time to think about this. Why would Niall and I fall for the same girl? We didn't even have the same taste. I turned away from them.

“Where the hell’d you think you’re going?” Louis demanded.

"For a drive." I declared, as I made my way back to my car. "Harry." Louis called behind me and I turned around.

“Well, you’d better figure out how to fix this.”

“Yeah, I know. Any other advice?”
"Maybe we should keep this ‘within’ for now?" I knew that phrase. It was way too familiar. It meant that no one should find out about this. I knew he was right. But that meant I couldn't speak to Stacy about it either. I nodded in acknowledgement.

I'd have to avoid her. But then she's going to think that I'm a jerk. I knew what I was doing when I kissed her, even though it was unplanned. I was inviting her into more than just a friendship and I knew what that meant. Well, I thought I knew what that meant. Wait a minute. Niall. Niall was the first one to come to the living-room. Now I understand why he'd been so strange yesterday, but it didn't feel good to know that I was the reason. I tried to picture it. Picture him standing there, off to the side. Picture us from his point of view. Had he seen us? Oh shit!

Niall’s P.O.V.

I felt a little better after speaking to Zayn, but I just couldn't shove the picture out of my head. Stacy standing with her back up against the wall. Harry hovering over her. She was flushed, blushing. He was smirking. Their faces were inches away from each other. I was telling myself that there was no way that they had kissed, but my brain wouldn't believe it. Not after what I had seen. I froze in the doorway, speechless; just watching them. Then she looked up. Her eyes met with mine and it was too much for me to handle. I turned to leave, as she handed his phone back to him, and realized that the rest of the lads were standing behind me. Zayn's eyes met mine. He'd read my expression, but let me pass. I hadn't slept very much last night. Now as I drove with Josh to get breakfast, he was in high spirits but I was obviously distracted.

I decided that I was going to put everything behind me. Zayn was right. It was probably nothing. Besides, Harry and I had completely different tastes. I made up my mind. I was going to speak to Stacy. Well, after breakfast anyway.

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