chapter 40

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Jay's POV
They have begun the final attack.It was in the announcement after all.It was Llo...Armagon's voice.I shall not think that,that person in charge used to be my friend.It doesn't seem right.It doesn't seem real.The orange moon is nearly there.10 minutes by Zane's calculations.I have to hurry.Before it is too late.

Nya's POV
"We are here!"I yelled,pulling the brakes and exiting the control room.Sensei and Dareth were on the deck talking but stopped abruptly when I came.
"Nya and I will go down and check where we are.Dareth,you can..stay and protect the Bounty."Sensei wavered and we both descended into the ruins of the city.
Dareth ,being Dareth seemed not to have heard and began to follow but I reminded him of thr important task at hand.
We really needed to warn the ninja.It was a problem that may not be solved in time.

Cole's POV

I feel that this must be the end.Sure we have been through much but as Zane fiddled with his gears making his last adjustments before we go,I think we won't make it.We won't all make it through New year.New year is a time for new begginings but I think there won't be any new begginings for us at least.Just the end.

Jay rushed into the dingy shop we took as shelter.Puffing he pointed out of the cracked window at the moon and I nodded.

Zane stopped fixing his arm and he shut it close with an echoing clang.

"Right so,we are going to do what?"Jay asked,leaning against the wall to catch his breath.He must have ran really fast.Fast as lightning!

"Well we have 10 minutes by Zane's calculat..."

"Actually we have 7 minutes."

"..never mind,his calculations 3 minutes ago,"I ended,sighing.
This was worse than I thought.

"With only three of us,how will we even get close to defeating the wolves?"Jay said,dejectedly.

"Four,you mean,"a voice replied.Kai stepped out,his sword already pulled out, making his way towards the door.
"Kai,we can't leave before making a proper plan.I know you are desperate to get going but we need to think this through.Those terrors are always a step ahead,"I told him,blocking his way out.
He gave a look of disgust,and tried to shove me out the way.

"He is right, with no powers or plan,we may fail to even get to the front door,"Zane said.

"Come on,lighten up!We've faced much worse than this.Serpentine,Nindroids,Chen,the overlord!We are way more experienced now then ever before and we must do anything to save our friend!"he angrily spoke ",if none of you care about the green ninja,then you can stay here quaking in your boots but I am going."
Jay nodded and also stood up to follow him.
"I'm with kai too!We have got to go now! Before the moon changes."

Kai smiled and ran out the door with Jay and Zane who was reluctant to follow too.

"What is the matter with that ninja?"he whispered and began to sprint to catch up.

True we've been in graver situations but we always made it,at the end.Chen's island was a close one which still resulted in so much sacrifice on Sensei Garmadon's behalf.The overlord, both times, has gotten so close to finishing us off.We had Lloyd at that time too.And Sensei Wu.And Nya.And even Dareth,at one point. We weren't this unevenly matched.Maybe this really will be our last stand.Without a good plan or guidance,we could be doomed.

Zane's POV
I ducked behind an old trash can as wolf guards walked by,baring there gruesome teeth and killer claws.

"Those fangs are may look dangerous Zane but it is the claws you have to be extra careful of.Once those claws are dipped in the fang venom,a scratch from them can cause hallucinations, body aches,headaches,nausea or the most horrible thing of all permanent me.."

PIXAL was cut off when Cole banged on my head.I was pulling him along so fast that his mask had blown off as well as his hair being a huge mess.He quietly signalled ahead towards the other two who were ducked behind the Zane statue in the park,it's arm lying on the floor and cracks all over it.

"We need to divert the attention of the wolves,so that Kai and I can get close enough to Lloyd and change him back,he says he has the antidote,we just have to get close enough to him and throw it on him,"Jay crackled over the walkie-talkie in Cole's pocket.

I didn't want anything to break but I didn't want anyone to get hurt either.I whispered my plan to the master of earth,who disagreed immediately.

"We can't do that."

"It is my choice after all,it is the quickest diversion"

Cole went quiet and stamped his foot on the ground hard.Too hard.The ground shook and cracks began to appear on buildings,so deep that the tiles on the roof of a house were precariously
tipped on the edge,ready to fall and hurt anyone below.
Luckily nobody was below and they cracked onto the ground and shattered.The eolves glanced and some of them began to investigate.That wasn't part of the plan.Cole suddenly pulled at my hand and ran towards a cluster of trees to hide under.We were in the park and Kai and Jay were engrossed in a whispered conversation that I had to hope they would move out of the way in time.Cole did the same thing again,facing directly towards them.This time it worked.The statue of me began to crumble and because of the pressure underneath it exploded into the air.That was part of the plan.Jay dodged out of the way but Kai was trapped under some stones which he somehow pulled of him with ease.How?I have no clue.

We advanced towards the city of tanks which were beggining to disband on their search for us.
"Ninja,turn yourself in wherever you are or else this city will be destroyed!" screeched Armagon through the speaker.

That was the 'announcement' that bought us here.We had only five minutes as we all rushed into the city of tanks.Five minutes to either save our world or watch it get annhilated.

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