chapter 39

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Thank you to every person out there for reading up to this page.Comment and vote.Sorry it took so long!

Armagon's POV
I sat leisurely in my room,revelling in the destruction of Ninjago City. This is what the General wanted. What the Commander wanted. What everyone wanted. Was it what I wanted? However much I tried to enjoy it,it just did not feel right.

My two trusty wolf advisors came in and started barking and grunting. I remembered that not all wolves had the translator collars on them but I could understand them just fine. It was too confusing though.They told me that the General had ordered a meeting and that I was to report immediately.I sighed and then slowly made my way to the General's office.They were talking in hushed toned and with surprising stealth I never knew I had,I put my head to the door and listened. I could just make out a few words: 'unstable', 'infiltration', 'poison' and 'success' being among them.When the door opened and I stumbled into the crowd of officers.

Zane's POV
We climbed onto a rooftop and watched over the city.There were no people.None at all. Jay had been persuaded to take some tools from the hardware store below after protesting that it was stealing and we didn't have any money.
That was when I produced a bunch of cash and gave it to Cole.
"There you go Jay,now you can use the tools,"he had said,slightly annoyed about the fuss.
Jay had been momentarily perplexed at how I had money after all we have been through but accepted the money and left it on the counter.
He kept mumbling about how everyone always bugged him for money when they could have asked me.

Cole's POV
I tried drawing up a plan on a price of old sketch paper in the store but Kai kept peering over me and picking out mistakes.
"This could have worked if we didn't have the chance of detonating the secret bombs",
"Too bad if we go this way we will lose our legs,"
Or even
"I guess you must have a plan to defeat Armagon,Wolfy and all the traps seeing as you chose this tactical way in."
Plus the way he said it,it sounded like he wasn't even trying to be sarcastic but that it was his normal tone.Eventually,my temper got the better of me.

"Kai!What is the matter with you?True,you sometimes disagree but never like this.Also,how do you even know about these traps and where anyone is.Even Zane couldn't anaylise everything!"
"And he is a nindroid,"Jay helpfully added.
After that,Kai quietly sat in the corner and didn't say anything.

10 minutes later,we were ready to...infiltrate the tank and take down Armagon once and for all.Jay thinks he saw people being taken out of their homes and into the tank prison but I am not sure.

"The moon is about to rise at its peak,"Kai said,pointing up.
It was indeed.The moon was a glowing orb in the distance yet we still had time.

45 minutes.

Fire began blazing.Car horn started beeping.I climbed down the rooftop to see the wolves proceeding on rounding up more screaming people who had hidden in their apartments.

"This is worse than the Great Devourer,"Jay exclaimed,helping a family get out of the building and telling them to run.What else could we do?

We split up and tried to find the main tank.The one with the leaders and officers in it.

A young boy was sitting in the corner,sniffing and rubbing his eyes.I went up to him.

"What's the matter,kid?Shouldn't you be with your family?"I whispered,kneeling down.

He shook his head.
"They're gone.Those mean dogs took them away."

Before I could do anything,he screamed and I turned around to see a soldier towering above me,his claws extended like knifes.
I stood up and kicked him and it landed near his shoulder.Taken by surprise,he lurched back but then attempted to swipe at my feet and I jumped up and flipped over him,landing behind.I pulled out my sythe and hit him and he began swiping with his claws. In a matter of moments,he was on the floor,the little boy holding my hand.

I sighed in relief.

Then pain washed over me.The minster had called for reinforcements and one of them and swiped at my arm.Three jagged cuts,from my elbow to just below my shoulder.I winced and tripped him over.These wolves really were strong.

More began piling in and snatched the kid away.I yelled and charged.The ground shook and the wolves fell through the cracks.The kid was gone.It was all my fault!

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