Chapter 31 - this is going to be so much fun

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Three days later you pack some clothes and put a face mask on with Eleanor and Beth just before bed.

In the morning you wake up early ready to catch your flight, you get a shower then change into the clothes you set out the night before. You walk out into the hall way and go into Louis and Eleanor's room, Eleanor is stood near the door on her phone waiting for you, as she opens the door she hugs you and squeals

"This is going to be so much fun!"

"I know!" You squeal back. You both knock on Beth and Luke's door, Beth answers and says

"Is everyone ready?!" You pull her and Eleanor into a group hug.

As you arrive at the airport, you tweet

'On our way to New York! This is going to be so much fun!' You attach a picture of you with Beth and Eleanor pointing to the

'Los Angles Airport' sign.

As you sit on the plane you think about Calum, you take a selfie of you looking sad and tweet

'I miss @Calum5SOS'. Moments later you receive a notification on your phone.

'@Calum5SOS mentioned you in a tweet: I miss @~~~~ more, I'm going to need a lot of ice cream to make me feel better' You smile at your phone before connecting your iPad to the aeroplane's wifi. You FaceTime Calum when you can all stand and giggle at the end of saying

"Hey sorry I didn't want to wake you, you looked so happy sleeping"

"You should have I miss you already, screen kiss?" He asks.

"Of course" you pout towards the screen then Calum kisses his screen.

"Now you do me!" You add, he pouts towards the screen and you kiss him.

You talk for most of the rest of the flight before going to the hotel in a taxi. You sit on the hotel bed and put your phone on charge, you see a message from Calum

'I miss you' You smile and text back

'I miss you too' It's 11:45pm when you arrive in New York so you decide to go to sleep so you have energy for the photo shoot.

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