Chapter 6 - I'll Order Pizza

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Calum and I were walking back to the village we live in.

"So what shall we next" I asked Calum eagerly.

"Do you want to come to Ashton's house with me? Luke and Michael will be there too." Calum suggested

"Yeah sure." I replied.

    When we arrived at Ashton's house Ashton, Luke and Michael were sat down in front of the T.V they heard the door close, and one of them shouted "CALUM WE'RE IN HERE" they knew Calum was coming but they didn't know I was here. Luke said to the others.

"I think Calum's got himself another girlfriend!"

"What a ladies man" Michael replied. Calum put his finger to his lips signalling for me not to say anything.  We stood at the wall listening to them talking about us.  

Luke: She makes Calum really happy I was texting him yesterday and he said she was perfect.

Ashton: Lets see?   Luke took his phone out

"Look here"  

Calum: I think I love her Luke, she's beautiful, funny, cute I can't even put her into words!

Luke: aw Cal ;) just be careful okay? We don't want you upset again?

Calum:No, if I ask her and she says yes, I'm not letting her go again.

Luke: Okay, oh and try not to act crazy like you do when you like a girl okay?

Calum: I don't do anything weird?

Luke: Right, yeah, k ;) I'm going to bed now so yeah night :)

Calum: Night :)  

They all found Calum's texts cute but they didn't read them aloud, so you didn't know what they said. Then you both entered the room with me holding his hand.

"Aww" they grinned.

"Are you two?" Ashton said pointing at us.

"Yeah" he told him with a huge smile on his face.

"LUKE SHOW HER THE TEXTS" Michael said urgently. Luke walked over and showed me the texts. After I read them I looked up at Calum, he was blushing. I turned to him and hugged him. It was a quick hug so it wouldn't be awkward for the boys. We went over and sat with the boys and watched a move. Your sat next to calum texting eachother so you didn't talk through the movie.

    5 movies later it was late and everyone was hungry.

"I'm so hungry" Luke said as the credits came down the screen of the last movie.

"I'LL ORDER PIZZA" Micheal had 5 different pizza places on speed dial. He didn't ask what type everyone wanted he just ordered what he wanted. It seemed as if he called them frequentley because he didn't have say the address.

       When they arrived Micheal brought them in and grabbed the biggest slice before passing the box around. As we were talking and eating Ashton asked

"Are you staying the night" Calum answered

"Yeah she is" he looked over and smiled at you. After we finished eating dinner we watched another film, Calum and you watch this time. Your head in resting on his chest and he's playing with your hair, his head reasting on yours.

  When the film finished Calum stood up and carried you to his room.

"You all live here?" you ask.

"yeah, and at our parents, shall I get the matress from the spare room and I'll sleep on the floor, or we can both get in that bed" he says smiling a little, taking his top and trousers of leaving him in just his boxers. His body was perfect, his abs were perfectly sculpted.

"No! Your not sleeping on the floor!" you tell him "Can I borrow a top? I wasn't planning on staying so I have nothing else to wear." "Yeah here you go" he says passing you a top. You put it on and climb into bed wearing just the top and your underwear, but the top was too big so it covered your bum anyway.

"I don't know about you but I'm not all that tired? Another film?"

"You know me too well Calum" you reply kissing him softly.

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