Chapter 2 - I'm Going Out

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I was texting him all night, I fell asleep without saying anything because I didn't want to say bye. But when I woke up I had two texts from him.

Text 1: I guess you fell asleep, so goodnight :) x

Text 2: And goodmorning for when you wake up :) x

He's so cute,

'Aw, goodmorning Calum, I know you  like to sleep so I wont expect an immediate reply ;) x' I tapped send and ran downstairs to make breakfast, I peeked my head around the door of my mums room , she was there sleeping. Probably a bit hungover, she probably shouldn't have driven me home last night. By the time I came back upstairs with a slice of toast there was a reply,

Calum: 'You shouldn't underestimate me, I mey have just woke up, but so have you ;) xx' 

Me: 'Fair enough ;) xx' I jumped up to get dressed

Calum: 'Are you doing anything today xx'

Me: 'No are you  xx'

Calum: 'I hoped you'd say that I'll stop by yours at 10? xx'  It's 9:15 now so that's 45mins.

Me: 'Yeah, I'm going to jump into the shower, see you at 10 :) xx'

Calum: 'Perfect :) xx'  And with that I jumped in the shower.  

*Calum's P.O.V*

  You: 'Yeah, I'm going to jump into the shower, see you at 10 :) xx'

Me: 'Perfect :) xx' 'Like you' I whispered. Right time for brekfast, I put my earphones in and played some music. I went down stairs and made myself some toast, then jumped into the shower.  

*Your P.O.V*

  I finished straightening my hair and chose and outfit. This took up most of my time, I had 15mins until Calum was going to pick me up, I walked over to the mirror and put make up on, I wanted it to look like I made an effort but not look like a hooker. I did my normal make up routine but added more mascara. It was 9:59 and there was a knock on the door, I sprayed some perfume on my collar bones and rubbed it in as I ran down the stairs, I opened the door to find the postman

"Can you sign for this please" I hesitated

"Yeah sure" I eventually said. I signed for the package and dropped it in the kitchen. I don't think I've been so disappointed in a while! I went upstairs just to hear another knock on the door, this time I looked out the window to check whether it was Calum or not. But I was happy to see that it was Calum. I felt a rush of exitment run through me when I saw him, I sprayed my perfume on my collar bones as I ran back downstairs. I opened the door, Calum was staring at the floor, but when I opened the door he looked up and a smile crept onto his face, I felt one creep onto mine too. He noticed and we laughed before I said

"hang on a sec, I have write a note for my mum she's still in bed" Calum laughed and followed me into the kitchen where I wrote a quick note explaing to call me when she woke up. After I left the note for my mum we left. We were walking down the street

"you look beautiful today" he choked on his words "Well you look beautiful everyday, just especially today! Yeah you can probably tell why she dumped me." the mood saddened He was close to tears, so he apologised

"sorry I'm such a loser crying over  a girl, she clearly doesn't care about me" His throught dryed and he was holding back tears.

"Well she's stupid then to not care about you, your funny, cute, you can sing" I was going to carry on, and I could carry on but I didn't want to, it would be awkward to flirt with him while he's crying because of his ex. But he was so cute when he cries! After I said that he burst into tears and hugged me. We stood there for what seemed like forever, I wasn't complaining, his hugs are so warm and tight. After about 15 minutes of hugging on the pavement I broke the hug

"So where are we going?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. Calum let out a weak smile. He's much taller than me but it makes me he said he likes it, like he's protecting me. He replied

"I have no idea" He smiled for real this time, he took my hand and we carried on walking.

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