Chapter 24 - A Nandos Is In Order

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          The meeting was just talking about band stuff. You and Beth stayed for the most part but got bored near to the end because the boys had to take notes so couldn't talk. 

"I think a Nandos is in order" Michael shouts walking out into the waiting room where you and Beth are talking. 

"Yay!" You and Beth cheer as you both jump up. You kiss Calum and take his hand as you walk around the corner to get lunch. 

You and Calum get in the line to order. 

"Do you know what everyone is getting?" Calum asks as he lets go of you. 

"Yeah" you reply smiling. 

"Good I'm going to pop to the toilet I'll be back before you have to pay anyway" he quickly kisses you before running to the toilet. As he runs off a group good looking boys stand behind you. You feel your eyes on you so you turn around and pretend to look out the doorway to get a glimpse of the boys. As you looked your sight locked onto the tallest boy who was stood in the middle smiling at you. You gave him a smile back before turning around again. 

"Hey, sorry, do you think it will take a long time to order?" He asked he had an American accent. 

"Well I wouldn't say a long time but the line doesn't move quickly either" you reply 

"Oh sorry we've never been here before" he replies looking you up and down. 

"That's alright, where are you from?" You ask 

"California" another boy replies, he was a bit shorter but still a bit taller than you. 

"Oh right you guys have good accents" you say laughing a bit 

"Thanks! What's your name?" He asks. 

"I'm (y/n)" you say. 

"That's such a cute name, this is Joey, Tyler, Finn, and I'm Alfie" the taller boy says smiling as he pointed to each boy as he said their name, looking you in the eye. You carried on talking with the boys and got their numbers, when Calum walked back over he was noticeably jealous of the boys. 

"Hey babe" he said kissing you and putting his arm around you. 

"Hey, this is Calum" you say introducing him. 

"I'm her boyfriend" Calum adds pulling you close smiling at the boys. 

"Lucky you" the shortest boy says without taking his eyes off you. 

"Yeah I know" he says kissing you sweetly. The boys keep flirting with you and Calum starts to get agitated. As your about to turn to order you say 

"By the way boys, Calum's my boyfriend and that's not going to change anytime soon." You smile and look at Calum. 

When you sit with the boys at the table Calum pulls you close and Luke says 

"You've pulled (y/n) got their numbers and everything" Calum looks at Luke sternly 

When you sit down Michael asks 

"(y/n) were you flirting with those boys?"

"What no!" You reply squeezing Calum's hand.

"Really cause Calum was pulling his annoyed face the whole time you were talking to them, and you swapped numbers." Luke adds cheekily watching Calum getting angry that boys were flirting with you.

"Actually I gave them all a fake number and only pretended to type their numbers down. They think I'm going to call them tonight." You say. The boys wave to you as they leave, you wave back, but as they walk out they all walk into the glass door. They all go red and run out.

"Clever" Ashton adds

"Thank you" you say, pouting towards Calum. He plants a kiss sweetly on your lips

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