Chapter 14 - An Empty Bed

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      The next day you wake up in an empty bed. You walk peek into Luke & Beth's room, Beth was still asleep, Luke was gone. Michael and Ashton weren't in bed either. You walk downstairs to see the boys sat at a table. You hear Michael say

"Are you going back to Australia with them"

"I don't know" Calum replies

"Does (y/n) know?" Ashton asks.

"No" he says his head in his hands.

"How are you going to tell her?" Luke asks. Your heart sinks, you feel yourself about to burst into tears. You run back to bed and sit and cry trying to be as quiet as possible. Thoughts running through your head. It's only been a few weeks it can't end now schools finished, Im hardly going to see Beth or the boys if he leaves he'll meet another girl, and forget about me. Your thoughts are interrupted when Calum walks in, he see's you crying, he runs to the bed and sits you on his lap. He softly wipes a tear from your face.

"What's wrong babe, please don't cry I'm right here" the words 'I'm right here' make you cry more.

"I heard you talking to the boys" you say. His voice breaks and he can't manage a word. A tear falls from his eye and rolls down his cheek.

"Are you really going?" You say crying more.

"I don't know, my mum, step dad and sister are going back, but I don't want to leave you" he says squeezing you tight. You sniff and wrap your arms and legs around him pulling him in for a long kiss. You sit and cry together for hours. Beth hears you both crying and walks in, she says

"The boys told me what happened" she puts down two pots of Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, a huge bar of chocolate and a huge bag of Doritos with a selection of films. Calum smiles at Beth mouthing a 'thank you' as she leaves. He kisses your forehead as he puts a DVD on and spoons some ice cream in your mouth. He kisses you at the romantic parts, pulling you close on the sad parts.  Dinner is quiet, Calum mentions that he's going to stay at his parents house that night, he asks you if you want to stay with him, but you say, it would be better for you to go home.

"No! You can't go home, your in need of a girly sleep over!" Beth says.

"Okay, shall we go into town and get some necessities" you say jokingly.

"Yep! Lets go now, the shops will shut soon" Beth says picking her bag up. You get yours, kiss Calum and run out the door.  

*Calum's P.O.V*

  She kissed me quickly on the cheek before running out. The kiss was way too quick considering I won't see her for two days. As they left Luke asked quickly

"Are you really going to leave? What about the band?" He said sounding concerned.

"I don't know Luke, I don't want to leave. I'll tell you what I'm doing as soon as I know what I'm doing." I said leaving the table walking up to mine and (y/n)'s room. I picked up my backpack and my phone and left without saying anything.  

*Your P.O.V*

    As soon as you and Beth leave you miss Calum.

"I miss him after 5 minutes how am I supposed to not see him the rest of my life?" You say quietly.

"What was that?" Beth asks.

"Nothing don't worry!" You say 

"right face masks are top of the list then chocolate, then everything else" she says smiling. As you get into town centre you do some quick shopping and get what you needed for the girls night before heading home. It got to 11 o'clock when the boys went to bed. You and Beth go up to yours and Calum's room. You text him all night long.  

*2 Days Later*

  Your sat watching TV with the boys when you hear the door shut. Calum walks in and you run up and hug him. You kiss him before he says

"Come with me" you walk upstairs and sit on his bed. He says "My family are moving to Australia, they're going to move into the old house, and let me stay! In their house, so whenever we don't want to stay here we can go to mine, and no one will be in!" He says rushed.

"THAT'S GREAT!" You say "But aren't you upset about your family moving away?" "Well yeah, but I never see them anyway. And I'll have you!" He says kissing you.

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