Chapter 27 - Don't Worry About Them

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            After breakfast everyone goes to the private beach that 1D hired from the hotel. You go out in your red and white striped bikini and sunglasses carrying your towel and phone. You, Beth and Eleanor put your towels down and keep your phones in the shade. You put on sun cream and sunbathe until you feel a wet body sit next to you.

"Hey (y/n)"

"Calum! You got me wet" you shout

"Shh! Save it for the bedroom" he jokes.

"Shut up" you say pushing him playfully.

"Are you coming in the water it's really warm!" Calum asks

"Maybe later" you say

"Okay well I'm going back in" he says, he hugs you and kisses you leaving you all wet.

"Calum!" You shout as he runs back to the water.

           You talk to Beth and Eleanor sunbathe for a bit longer before you all walk down to the water and dip your toes in.

"It is nice and warm" Beth says

"But there's cameras and they'll take pictures of my wet hair!" You complain. Eleanor gives you a hairband. You tie your hair into a bun and agree to go in. You walk in slowly, splashing the water around you gently. You get to where the water is half way up your chest when you feel wet arms wrap around you. You turn and smile at Calum.

"All the cameras are taking pictures" you complain.

"Don't worry about them" Calum says catching an inflatable ball.

"Come on let's play catch!" Calum adds pulling you next to him.

          Everyone plays games and has fun in the water for most of the afternoon, when you and Calum come out of the water you are near to the boundary of the beach. You hear paparazzi shouting your names so Calum pulls your wet body to his and kisses you deeply in front of all the cameras then whispers in your ear

"We'll get used to the cameras and fans, in the meantime they can get used to us" Calum gives you a piggy back to the towels where you sunbathe before getting some lunch and then going back to the beach.

[By The Way If You Want To Follow Me On Twitter It's @_Loreaa]

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