I slowly walk up to the armchair on the other side and take a seat. He doesn't react when I sit, but rather continues to stare at the fire.

I then get up and touch his arm. He flickers his eyes towards me, remaining emitionless the whole time.

"What?" he snarls.

I take a deep breath.

"I do too, Harry."

Sarah's POV

Draco cautiously walks out from behind his father. His mysteriously beautiful gray eyes gaze over me, then flicker to meet mine. His usual sinister smirk is replaced by a sorrowful emotionless face.

"Draco.." I whisper.

His face remains stony as he walks closer to me. I watch as he shakily grabs for his wand, and then pulls it up to me.

I know that I can easily fight him off, but then what? I am still surrounded by what, 6 or 7 Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort himself. Fighting back will just result in torture, so it's better to just get the pain over with.

"Do it, son." Lucius orders, his voice drone as he edges his son closer. I can feel warm tears forming in my turquiose eyes, but I quickly blink them away to show that I am not afriad.

"Go on then." I say, sounding fearless.

I watch then as Draco takes a deep breath, and his face now seems like it is filled with extreme misery. His eyes are filled with cold regret, and his outstretched arm is shaky as he holds it up to me.

He then closes his eyes, and when they open, they seem afraid. He takes another deep breath, and mouths, "Sorry."


"Wait!" a shrill voice cries. I whip to my right to see Jessica running towards us.

She stops in front of Voldemort, and fearlessly stares into his eyes.

"What, Jessica?" he says, emphasizing his words. Reality then kicks in in my head.

Voldemort holds up his hand to his followers, and they all dissappear, except for Draco.

"Draco, go back to your dorm, now." he orders. Draco quickly nods and runs, but mid way he turns to look at me. I nod slowly and he continues.

"Please, Lor-" Jessica starts.

"Why must you interrupt me in such a dire moment!" Voldemort snaps.

"My Lord, please," Jessica starts. Voldemort doesn't protest, rather nods, circling around Jessica, his black robe dragging in the snow.

"She is not worth killing now. If she dies, then Potter will be too sad to come out of his dormitory, let alone speak to anyone. He will be too sheltered, also, if she dies, because she is his last known living relative. And besides, her death would not be at a good timing now, maybe when summer strikes, and Potter won't be able to hide in the Hogwarts walls." she finishes.

Voldemort eyes her up questiongingly. "Very well." he says simply. Jessica nods and smiles to herself. "We shall stick to the original plan then." he says.

But before Jessica can respond, he apparates off, leaving a trail of black smoke to follow him.

Jessica takes a deep breath and walks closer to me.

"Sarah?" she asks quietly.

I walk to lean up against a tree nearby. Then, I turn my sights to the castle, and take a deep breath, the cold turning my breath into a white fog as I breathe. The cold frost is nipping at my nose and ears. 

You Have My Heart ~A Ron Weasley Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now