What happens in vegas stays in vegas

Start from the beginning

Me: love you to


Chloe's pov:

Vegas is crazy I mean straight up messed up. I went on a walk by muself for like half an hour I got hit on 12 times in the most messed up ways.

Most of them were messed up pick up lines that they tried to remember but messed up braces they were drunk as hell.

Not joking one guy said 'are you from Canada because you're the only ten I see' that doesn't even make any sense but you know it was hilarious.

"Okay we're leaving now" Jesslyn announced getting her shoes on.

"What its only 7:12pm" Tammy said looking down at her phone.

"Yah but we're going to go on an adventure" she smirked we all looked at each other weirdly but shrugged and got our shoes on.

"Come on this way" we've been walking around for like an hour looking for the strip club.

"It's not just a strip club it like a magic mike strip cloud" I laughed

"That sounds so lame" I said we were still looking.

"Have you never seen magic mike, like the movie it's epic" I shook my head I haven't watched it.

"We're watching it later" she demanded I rolled my eyes she smirked running into a building.

"You can't just ditch us like that what it you get murdered" Tammy yelled at Jesslyn.

"Chill I was ten meters away and you sow me run into this building"

"Still" she rolled her yes.

"Come on" a few minutes later I found myself on stage dancing with a male stripper.

"Yasss girl" Jesslyn yelled throwing money at us I laughed.

After a few minuted of more like grinding then dancing I walked off stage.

"That's as awesome" I said smiling.

"Okay let's go" Jesslyn grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the building.

"We just got here" I said confused.

"This is the only reason we went there now we go to a club.

We got into my car and drove around looking or a club.

That is until Jesslyn got out and sow some sketchy guy.

-shadows pov-

We finally made it we stopped at a motel that we probably wit even end up staying in.

"Come on drink up" Reece tossed us all a beer.

"Your getting drunk before you leave this room, and then we go to a strip club" we all chugged 3 beers and took 5 shots then left except Reece he's the designated driver.

"Let's go" we left and went to a strip club.

"I don't want to get a lap dance" I said drunk and tipsy.

"Come on it'll be fun"


"Get the guck out" the security guard led us out.

"Okay you need to chill have some water" Reece passes me a bottle I drank it all.

"Uh Reece that isn't water it's vodka" Alen held in a laugh.

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