Old Habits Die Hard

Start from the beginning

Instead, I shoved her phone in my pocket and joined her in the bed, pulling her close to me. 

Now I know what Marlene meant by she had a long night. Jackie smelled like booze, how I'd normally smell after a night with the guys. Attempting to wake her up in a cutesy type of way, I kissed her neck, down her to back. 

She moved around but didn't wake up. I decided I'd just sit there until she did. 

A vibration in my pocket yanked my attention away from admiring her in her unconscious state. I pulled out the phone and checked who texted me. 

I had so much fun last nite. Wish it couldve lasted longer. xx Mikey

My heart dropped down to my stomach, wanting to make me sick and burst out into tears. 

That is not my friend, or phone. 

Assumptions, I though to myself, I'm only making assumptions. 

However, I wasn't. That message was loud and clear. She cheated...  Or at least I think she did. 

"Jackie." I shook her, hoping it would wake her up. "Babe..." I whispered. This time, she moved around, shaking my hand off her shoulder. "Baby, wake up." 

"Go away, Brian." 

"Who's Mikey?" 

She quickly turned to me, "What the fuck are you doing looking through my phone?" 

I didn't know what to say and the only thing I did know to say would cause a fight. "Your stuff is my stuff." 

"Excuse yourself from the room before I fucking murder you, asshole." She said, pushing me off the bed with her feet. "And for your information," She continued, "Mikey is Brennen's friend--gay friend. We met up with them last night and went bar hopping after you had your fucking immature outburst." 

"I didn't have any outburst. I didn't even talk to you last night after dinner..." I said standing up.

She rolled her eyes, fixing the ponytail that hung off her head, "Okay Brian. If you want to think that, then go ahead." 

I really didn't have a clue what I did or even said. Needless to say, I felt bad because it caused friction between us. I honestly didn't even care if she hung out with another guy. I just wanted to know what I did that caused her hostility towards me. 

"Babe, what did I say? Or do? Please, tell me. I swear, I don't even remember." 

She laughed, finding no humor in anything I said, "Why don't you ask Zacky? Or better yet, ask Gena?" 

Fuck. "Did I seriously do something bad that dealt with them again?" I questioned starting to feel bad for Gena. I hadn't even apologized to her and I already had something else to be sorry about. 

"You're immature Brian." She spat, removing the covers from her body and leaving the room.

I sat on the bed, taking in those words. I am immature. I'm an immature moron. Whatever I had done, I knew I'd have to face the people I did it to sooner or later. 

Just then, my phone went off. The caller ID read Dad and I wanted to answer but I didn't have the energy to speak to him. Until I fixed things with Jackie, I wouldn't have the energy to do anything. 

I needed to escape everything for just a few hours, so after dropping Jackie and Sophia off at home, I went straight to Matt's house. 

He, just as I, was completely hung over. Valary and River had gone to Michelle's to give Matt a couple seconds of silence. 

I was sort of jealous of Matt and Val's relationship. They'd gone through so much and somehow, whenever they'd fight, they'd end up happy again. But with Jackie, things would get worse and it was  my fault. 

I admit, I got back into drinking, but it was only social drinking. I, in no way, had any intention of drinking as heavy as I had done before Sophia was born. However, old habits die hard and my drinking habit just didn't want to die. 

Once I got back home, I noticed my dad's car in the driveway.

Great, I thought to myself, I feel my headache coming back. 

I dragged my feet onto the porch and into the house. I recognized my dad's voice coming from the kitchen, followed by Jackie's laugh. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as soon as I reached the kitchen. 

My dad turned around wearing an apron as he mixed a bowl, "I'm making... What is it called?" He turned to Jackie. 

"Angel food cake." 

"Angel food cake!" He repeated, "I came and Jackie had just started so we're finishing up together." 

"I don't think you heard my question." I became a bit annoyed that he sounded so happy, as did she. Was I jealous of my own father? Jealous that she was happy with him? "What, in the first place, are you doing here? Why did you come?" 

He put down the bowl, walking over to an empty counter which had papers on it. "Well, I wouldn't have fucking came if you would've just answered your phone." 

"I was busy." 

He lifted his eyebrows, not believing a word I said, "Sure. Anyways, Jackie had written a song over a year ago, remember? And we emailed it to you?" I nodded, "Well I was sending a demo of one of my new songs to the record label and I guess I accidentally sent Jackie's and they heard it and loved it. They want to sign her." I grabbed the papers from his hands, "She's going to be famous." He added.

Examining the printed e-mails, it came known to me that the old man wasn't kidding. 

"No she's- Jackie, are you seriously going to do this?" She didn't respond. "Jackie!" I shouted. 

She turned around, smirking, "I don't know. I'd be getting big money." I really hoped she was doing it to bust my chops.

"Fuck the money. You can't do this. It's bad news."

My dad chimed in, "Not everyone's music career is bad news, Brian. Give it a chance." 

I tilted my head, "A chance? A fucking chan- You know what? You're not doing this. I'm putting my foot down, you're not." 

"You don't tell me what to do, Brian." She firmly said, using a very authoritative voice. My dad even felt the tension swimming between us. "Didn't you hear your dad? They want to sign me... I have no experience in music. Do you think I'd get far? Think, Brian. I have a family to take care of. I have one of the best job opportunities coming up. Do you think I'd throw that away just to fucking sing? But ya'know what? Since it bothers you so much, I think I might just go to that meeting... Mr. Haner, schedule it." 

I took a look at my dad and for the first time, I saw him scared or Jackie. He nodded, "Alright, I'll text you when the meeting is... I uh," He started, removing the apron, "Better get going. I have to pick up a few things from the market for dinner... Uh, I'll see you two later. Sophia's sleeping in the playpen. Just thought I'd let you know." 

As my dad left, I rubbed my face frustrated with everything. What the fuck was going on with me? What the fuck was going on with my family? 

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