"I'm sorry, it's just I need to be alone right now. I love you, remember that okay? You're my forever Harry Edward Styles." I whispered as I placed a sweet lingering kiss to his lips, the words strangely bringing tears to my eyes. He nodded, his eyes a lingering sign of doubt, he knew I was up to something, yet he knew not to snoop. I turned on my heels heading for the door, praying that I was not too late.


My eyes scanned the building, I've been here before, very long ago when I was a little girl, my father used to bring me here so that I could have fatherly time with him, time that made up for the nights that he was not home. I shook my head, I couldn't think of that right now. My thoughts could not be clouded by memories of my father when she was in danger.

The building was bricked, cold, and eerie yet held so many warm memories, memories that made me feel strangely whole. The door creaked open, heavy to push as I snuck my head in; scanning the area to make sure that no one was waiting for me on the other side. My eyes widened as I heard that sweet joyous cry that I knew all too well, my eyes falling on the crib in the middle of the big building. She was alive, Avery was alive and I was just a few feet away from her. I didn't care about anyone waiting for me; I didn't care that the person might have a gun. All I cared about was holding my angel in my arms, taking in her soft linger sweet scent, the scent I yearned for, for so long.

"Hush baby, mommy's here now." I murmured as I picked her up, tears spilling from my eyes. She looked bigger, her curls longer. Her beautiful brown eyes were rimmed red, a heart breaking sight. I held her close to me, my heart hammering against my chest; it felt so good to hold her again.

"Mommy's going to get you out of here safe, I promise." I turned around, scanning the room to make sure that I was alone, my eyes falling on the door. I quickly started to walk, I was getting out of here unharmed.

"Uh, uh, where do you think you're going?" I stopped in my tracks, damn mind always has to jinx me, I knew that voice, that sweet accent. I turned around, my mouth falling agape and my eyes widening, how could he?

"Kalem?" My voice cracked, I trusted him, and out of everyone that betrayed me I never thought that he would be added to that list. His mouth spread in an eerie mischievous smirk, one that made me sick to my stomach.

"Hmm, some like to call me that but I prefer to my birth given name, Thomas." I creased my eyebrows, a sickly haze clouding my memory.

"Oh yes honey, you thought I was dead, you thought the same as all the others, but I've been here all along." What?

"I-I don't understand." I croaked this joke was sick and tormenting, there was no way that this could, that this could ever me possible.

"Jesus Skye, you've always been a daft, spineless, air-headed bitch but never to this extent." He walked towards me, my mind completely crowded by confusion. He held the gun tightly in his hand as he walked towards me, lifting his sleeve so that I could see the tattoo of my name near his elbow, the same tattoo my father got a week before they killed him, this couldn't be. This was some sick twisted joke. I lifted my hand to trace the tattoo with my finger tips; he abruptly pulled his arm away, pulling the sleeve down to conceal the inked skin.

"Do you want me to spell this out for you? Do you want every fucking detail?" He shouted backing up from him; I remained silent, tightening my hold on Avery. He let out a scary chuckle, running his hand through his tussled hair.

"It all happened those many years ago when a gang member entrusted his lovely daughter with secrets he thought he had no one to tell to, secrets that would play out his fate if anyone were to find out that he whispered it to a living soul. He thought he could trust her, he thought he could count on her, only to have the little bitch go and blab out everything to her boyfriend in a drunken stupor. And do you know what that gang member did after he knew that his fate was sealed?" His tone was enticing, antagonizing as he spoke, I shook my head.

Gang War (Fanfiction) (#WATTYS2017)Where stories live. Discover now