Fed Up (Chapter. 29)

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"I shall not leave you alone. I am sorry what you want is not what I'm giving. I feel as if you are being greedy. I don't understand why you need to be courted. You should be happy, ecstatic even that the prince of Rola wants to make you his wife. As I've said do you know how many women would murder to be in your position?" Gideon asked.

"Then you let them Gideon." I responded.


"You let me go live with my sister again. Then you find a new girl to be your queen. Seeing as you have them lining up then there is nothing special about me. Pick a new girl that is materialistic and will not need to be courted. It shall be no issue. I will go and begin to pack." I said with a smile then I started to walk away.

"No wait. You cannot leave. You are wrong. You are a one of a kind. You are a girl with innocence. You're gorgeous, sweet, and you have spectacular morals. The people would simply adore you. You are perfect for the throne. You will make so much good and very little bad. You are correct you deserve to be courted. My sincerest apologies, Mona I want you to be my wife. Yes there are millions of ladies that would murder to be in your position but none are as wonderful as you. I will try much harder. You will be treated like the lady you are." Gideon said.

"What caused this change of heart?" I asked with confusion.

"I have realized that you are the only girl in my life that my parents approve of. They are pushing for us to be together. That has never happened to me before. They hate every girl I've ever brought around. I'm not sure what they would say if I let you go. Seeing as I will be king one day I want to have the right girl by my side to make queen. I truly believe you are her." Gideon explained.

"So you don't want me to leave then?" I asked in all seriousness disregarding all of the compliments he just gave me.

"No I do not want you to go. I've acted horrible. I want this to work."

"But Gideon I never came here by choice. Your and my parents forced me here. I still love Nash. He is the one I want. I appreciate that you are willing to treat me how I deserve to be treated. But I don't think that is enough for me. I think I still want to leave. I am not cut out for the throne. I am a normal girl. This life is just not for me." I admitted.

"But a vampire cannot give you children. Not to mention he is a disgrace to your parents. He is one of the big things that you were raised to never even go around. Do you honestly want to disappoint your parents? Do you want to break the rules? Throw away your perfect reputation? Is some vampire really worth that?" Gideon asked.

"To me he is not just some vampire. He is everything I want. I never have wanted to break the rules. But for once I want to do something for me, not for my parents. Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked with anger.

"You could make your parents extremely proud. You could make a real difference in Rola. So why choose a vampire and become a disappointment? It makes no sense to me. I cannot help but feel this way." Gideon responded.

"Then you will not ever understand I am afraid. But I want to leave Gideon. I want to leave now. I am done with this game of yours. I will not be forced to do anything. Yes that includes being forced to be your wife, the people's queen, and having your heirs." I said then I ran up the huge staircase.

When I arrived to my room I slammed the door and locked it. I then started to pack my things. That is it. I've had enough. I will be leaving tonight one way or another. I'm sick of everyone trying to control my life and my decisions. I shall choose. Not my parents, the king and queen of Rola, or Gideon. I am finished with this foolishness.

I took a deep breath. Then I walked over to the window. I opened it and looked down. Boy it was a long way down. I could feel the sea breeze on my face and in my hair. I smelt the salt water. I saw nothing but darkness. It was silent. How do I get out? I ripped the sheets off of the bed. Then I ripped the curtains off of the window. I quickly tied them together. Next I started to lower one half out of the window. This is risky because I'm not sure how far down it really is. But I will do this.

I ran to the foot board and tied the other end of the curtains and sheets to it. Then I walked back to the open window. I threw my belongings down. I took a deep breath once more. I then started to climb out of the window. The sea breeze became much harder. It felt much colder as well. My hair was covering my face. The only light was the moon glistening on the ocean in the distance.

I tried to think of nothing but my escape. But the fear of falling or the tied curtains and sheets ripping kept flooding my brain. My heart pounded from these thoughts. I could feel my hands start to shake. Then I realized there was no more curtains and sheets to climb down. But I was not on the ground either. I must let go. But this could be the end of me.

So I did it. I let go. I began to fall. My heart pounded even faster. My hair still covered my face. The wind was faster. I still saw nothing but darkness. Will this be when I die? Was leaving worth possibly losing my life?

I decided to focus on the salty sea air instead of my thoughts as I continued to fall to what could possibly be my own death.

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