Trying To Make Them Understand (Chapter.7)

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The next morning I woke up feeling well rested and super happy. I got up peed and then went downstairs where my family was in the kitchen staring me down.

"What's your problem?" Kennedy said.

"Oh, nothing" I said joyfully,

"Sit down Mona we need to talk now. Kennedy go upstairs we need to talk to your sister alone."

I hate it when my mother says things like "we need to talk to you" I know it's bad. But I did scream at her and my father then walk out in to the darkness alone last night. I'm guessing that is what this will be about. Once again I was broken out of my own little world and brought back to reality but this time by my mothers concerned tone.

"Mona sweetie what is going on with you lately? You have never acted out like this before. I don't understand your actions. You are a well behaved young lady. You dress conservatively, have manners, and are extremely respectful. Lately you have been the opposite. Right now your father and I are sitting here with an open mind. We want you to explain how you are feeling you know try to make us understand where you are coming from. We will do our best to understand then try to help you. We love you Mona that will never change. So make us understand you sweetie please."

"I am tired of never being noticed. Mother I live in Kennedy's shadow constantly.I don't want to break the rules or make you all disappointed in me. Those are the last things I want. But no guy ever pays any attention to me ever. I know that's not what you all especially you father want to hear about. But how do you all ever expect me to be a happily married woman if I never get noticed? Your rules are  very strict on who we are aloud to be with so that makes it more complicated anyway. I want to be happy mother and father I honestly do and I'm not currently. I've been living how you want me to trying to make you both happy. I've gotten so caught up in that I don't even know who I really am anymore. Being paid attention to by a guy is a want I have that overpowers any other want of mine. Dressing and acting like Kennedy makes me noticed. The first night we went to the club I went unnoticed. She had guys all over her I wanted that. So I'm sorry that you do not like who I am turning in to but it is an attempt to find myself. It also an attempt to hopefully find my future husband so I can be happily married like you both are. That is all I have to say there I've tried to make you understand I hope you do."

"Mona we had no idea you felt this way. Honey I'm so sorry. But I'm afraid I don't know how we can help your dilemma." 

"Mother you can help by letting go of the reigns a little bit. Realize I'm not a little girl any longer that I'm growing up."

"Sweetie you don't need to act out like your sister to get a boy to pay attention to you. That will attract only bad things like warlocks (male witches), and vampires. Not something amazing like a werewolf or a shape shifter. Werewolves and shape shifters know how to respect and love someone. They are amazing creatures and that is why we want you and your sister to end up with one of them. Warlocks and vampires are reckless and will just cause trouble.  So just put your regular clothes back on and act like your suppose to. It will all fall into place Mona don't you worry."

"God! Neither of you get it! I just explained how horrible I feel constantly and how I have lost myself because I've done nothing but try to make you both happy. Then you both act like you do not care. You lied you did not go into this with an open mind your mind was already set before I started talking. Wasn't it? Wasn't it!"

I felt myself screaming those words at them and crying at the same time.

"Honestly no Mona we did not go into it with an open mind. We have raised you a certain way and now you are misbehaving so we just want you to act like you are suppose to." My mother said all sure of herself.

"Well I need some time right now I'll be back later. Bye" I said while still crying.

I then ran upstairs and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt then threw on my tennis shoes. Next I was slipping out of the front door still crying. i walked outside and of course it's pouring rain. It was  pouring so bad I could barely see where I was going through the sheet of rain. I was drenched by the time I got to my mailbox I have a short driveway. It was cloudy and kind of chilly outside. But i just continued to walk anyway I didn't care It was better then being around my non understanding parents.

I got a good distance away from my house and neighborhood. I made it to town I was walking down the street crying when then I felt cold arms wrap around me so tightly.

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