The Prince (Chapter. 21)

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"Thank you very much gentleman. But I must ask how do you know who I am?" I asked.

"We are two of the royal guards. We must know what everyone entering the property is here for and who they are. The protection of the royal family is always first. We also know who you are because your parents are the newest council members. So we had to look into your family history, if your parents had children if so their backgrounds, and so on. We know all about your parents and you, and yes even your sister as well. You seem to be a fine young lady. Your parents and the king and the queen have high hopes for you and the precious prince you know." The guard on the left of me explained.

"Wow I should have guessed such a detailed process would be called for because of the royal family. My apologies gentleman. Thank you for the compliment it was greatly appreciated. Yes why yes I do know the high hopes that are put onto this night. Hints the extravagant dress, hair, make-up, and nails. But I fear my parents and the parents of the prince will be greatly disappointed."

"Oh really how so?" The guard on the right asked as they continued to escort me through the beautiful castle.

"I have no interest in being royal. I have no interest in being the future queen. I yearn to be a normal girl that is all." 

"Aye. But no girl can resist the prince. I have seen it myself ma'am."

"This may be true. But I have no plans to be royal. So that ruins it for him already." I replied.

"Well okay. Either way I suppose he could use a good friend. All of his friends are money and power hungry as well. But anyway you shall wait here. This is the prince's office. He will be with you momentarily. He apologizes for not being in here prior to your arrival. But he is running late attending to business with the king." The left guard said.

"That is fine. I shall wait. Thank you both for escorting me in here. You are both very good gentleman." I said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Thank you. You look stunning by the way. You shall knock the prince off of his feet before he has time to speak." The guard on the right admitted.

"Yes you do look rather ravishing. I do not see any way you could not steal his heart in this meeting tonight." The guard on the left agreed.

"Thank you both so much." I blushed.

They knotted then exited.

So I started to look around, to take in the beauty of just the prince's office in this gorgeous castle. Everything here had to be antique. The long red velvet curtains draping over the windows, the broken in cedar desk, the dark brown leather chairs with a matching love seat, to even the dim lighting from the crystal chandelier. Just as I started to lose myself in the beauty of the office I heard the door open form behind. I turned around to see a tall, skinny, dark blue eyed, chestnut brown spiked at the front haired guy standing in the doorway. I guessed that was the prince so I stood and took a deep breath.

"You must be Ms. Houska I am guessing?" The young man answered in a more tenner than base tone.

"Yes I am sir. You must be the prince?"

"You guessed correctly. What is your first name? Father only praised about you by "Ms. Houska." He asked.

"I am Mona Houska sir." I said shyly while trying to hide my blush. I could not lie that he was quite handsome. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mona. You have a beautiful name. I am Prince Gideon." He responded with confidence but still gentlemanly.

"You as well Prince Gideon." I said smiling uncontrollably.

"So I have been told you are the girl for me. You are my future wife and the next queen of Rola. That it is like destiny. Sorry for the sarcasm in my voice. But I have heard that from many different women in my time Mona. But never from my parents instead of the girl. So my question is do you agree with the accusations from my parents about you? " He asked now completely serious.

"I do not think so to be honest. A friendship could maybe be in place but a relationship I do not want."

"Are you joking? What about all of the money and power I have? I mean if we work out you will be queen of Rola one day." 

"I do not joke. I have no interest in your money or power. I also have no interest in being the queen of Rola ever. I do not want it." I responded taking offence to his arrogance.

"Mona you are nothing like the others. I have never met a girl like you. You are not afraid to speak to me like I am a regular person. But if that is not enough you want nothing to do with my money, power, and the power to make you part of the throne. I like you already. So tell me about you now you have me intrigued." Prince Gideon responded with delight.

"Thank you. You are a regular person to me. The only difference between you and I is that you can make decisions for our country and live in a castle and I do not. Tell you about me? What do you want to know?" I asked.

"I want to know about your family, what makes you this strong, powerful girl." 

"Well my parents are extremely strict. I was raised by being brainwashed. I was thinking we were being raised to be good,respectful, well rounded people. But in reality we were being raised in pure reputation. My parents have always cared about reputation and that is it. My older sister told me that all of the time growing up. But I never believed her until my parents disowned her recently for being with a drowser. Now they speak of her as being dead to them and as a floozy." I admitted.

"Wow your upbringing sounds similar to mine that must be why our parents get along so well. About your sister I am terribly sorry. That is harsh. But drowsers are horrible creatures you need to remember that. Do you still speak with her?"

"Not all drowsers are bad. I've met him. He is a great guy. He really loves her and treats her right. So I disagree with you sir. But yes I do it has been a little while now since we have spoken. But we usually do yes. What about you? What is your life like?" I asked.

"Pretty miserable as well. I was raised to be a king. I have no option. Growing up I never wanted to be king. But now I am good with it. While children were playing outside and making friends I was stuck in a meeting with my father observing and taking notes. Ninety percent of my life has been watching how my father handles situations and taking notes about it. Then the rest of it was learning how to act like royalty. Not to mention girls have never wanted me for me. They want to be in my bed so they can say they have slept with the prince. Or they are out to get fame, money, or to be queen. I want a girl to love me, to cherish me, to see the good in me. I want a girl who wants me and not the materialistic items I have to offer. I want a girl who is not a "floozy" as my father put it. Friends are the same way. They want my fame and my money. They do not care about being friends with me. See my parents are friends with everyone in the council so they have real friends. Anyone who is in the council has power, money, and fame. Just not royalty and not as much of those things as we do. But they are all old so I am not friends with them. Being a prince is not everything that everyone claims it to be." The prince admitted.

"Wow I am so sorry. You seem like a great person. It is so sad that people can not see that because of their nasty wants for your materialistic items."

"Thank you. You are the first girl well first person in general that I have opened up to. I can honestly say I do not regret it. You are so different I love it. I must go attend to a meeting with my father now. But I really enjoyed meeting you. You are a light I have never seen. But I want to see again. Give my guards your number I would like to contact you. Goodbye! They will escort you out." The Prince said then exited.

"Alright! Thank you so much! Goodbye Prince Gideon!" I called as he left.

Next the two guards entered yet again got my number for the prince and escorted me back to the car where my mother was waiting.

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