Changes In The Family (Chapter.18)

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I've laid here and laid here. Waiting for the pain to go away but it doesn't. I wipe my tears with my comforter and then stare at my ceiling. The aching won't go away. The emptiness won't leave my chest. I adore Nash. I'm not sure I can breathe without him.

"Mona. It is now time to stop this trash. You've moped around long enough. There are far better people out there to befriend trust me. Now get up I have the news of a lifetime." Mother said rudely.

"What is it mother?" I asked while sitting up.

"Well your father and I have finally done it!" Mother exclaimed.

"Done what?" I asked confused.

"Your father and I after all of these years have finally became Council Members!" She screamed with joy.

"Council Members? Like real Council Members? Like the Council Members that make decisions for Rola with the king and queen?!" I asked shocked.

"Yes! Those Council Members! We are so thrilled! We have taken pride in our family for so long and it has finally paid off. Well minus Kennedy we've taken pride. Kennedy is still a disappointment. But you know what Mona? She is the perfect role model of what you never want to become. She betrayed her family, broke every rule ever placed, dresses like a floozy, and she speaks like a sailor. Those are all things that are pure horrid. Not to mention they make it hard to maintain our perfect reputation. Thankfully the king and queen overlooked Kennedy seeing as we disowned her. She could have ruined our chances Mona." Mother stated.

" But she is still your daughter. I mean you gave birth to her. Doesn't that count for something?" I asked.

"No Mona is does not. Once you do the things Kennedy has you simply pretend she isn't yours. You'll understand once you have children trust me." Mother said surely.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"You will eventually trust me. Now get up! Go shower and change. We have a dinner with the queen and king tonight. They are excited to meet you in person. You will be extra amazing tonight correct?" Mother asked staring me down.

"Of course Mother I will be better than ever before." I said.

"Wonderful. I'll leave you to it. Be ready in 20 minutes. That's when we will walk out of the door." Mother said then exiting my room.

I pulled the covers back over my head. It is true this family is only about reputation. Now it will only get worse. I feel horrible but now I understand.

I then got up and went to shower and get ready as my Mother asked of me.

*The Dinner With The Royals*

"Mr. and Mrs. Houska welcome! It is wonderful to have you. Please sit down." Queen Veronica said.

We all sat down. I started to look around at the beautiful kingdom.  The marble floors and the huge paintings were stunning. The chandelier was handmade and beautiful as well. The table was cherry wood and it was the largest table I had ever seen.

"Your name is Mona correct?" King Augustus asked.

"Yes your Highness." I replied.

"Oh such a polite young woman. You've done well with this one Benedict and Luna. She's gorgeous too." King Augustus said.

"Thank you so much my King. Mona is our pride and joy." Father stated with a fake smile.

"Yes thank you your Highness. We really have tried our best with her." Mother said with a fake smile as well.

"No no. No need to thank me. She truly is a gem. I feel she would be perfect for my son. He seems to go only after floozies. I keep telling him that he needs to find a proper lady. Seeing as he and his future lady shall run the kingdom one day." King Augustus said.

"Now Augustus I don't think they really care about the troubles we have with our son." Queen Veronica stated with a smile.

"No we would love to hear them. You know our other daughter Kennedy is quite the handful." Father said.

"See hush Veronica they want to hear all about it." King Augustus said.

"Whatever you say darling." Queen Veronica stated.

"I mean we should swap issues with our children." The king suggested.

"Indeed we should." My father agreed.

"Well our son has been taught to be a wonderful young man. He truly is strapping. He just always seems to pick the wrong girl that's his only issue." The king admitted.

"Well where is the prince tonight? If you don't mind me asking." Mother asked.

"Oh no not at all. He is with some floozy. It disgusts me. He has such a wonderful heart and such a good head on his shoulders. He will be a wonderful king. For all of the greatness he posses he deserves a lady that sees that and wants to bring the best out in him. Instead of these floozies who only want him because he's the prince. I just don't know how to get through to him. Maybe him meeting Mona would do the trick. Maybe seeing a lovely lady such as Mona he will realize he wants and deserves so much better. I can honestly say I would have no problem with Mona becoming the Queen one day." The king said with a smile.

"That's wonderful! We should let them meet most definitely!" My father said.

"Mona would you like to meet my son?" The king asked me.

"Um I.."

"She would be delighted to!"My father said before I could answer.

"Wonderful then we will set it up. Thank you so much for coming tonight. It was a pleasure to meet you Mona." King Augustus said.

"You as well your Highness." I said then I went to the car with my Mother while my father stayed to set up a meeting with me and the prince.

"Mona, sweetheart can you believe the king wants you to meet the prince? What if you all end up together? Then we will be a royal family as well! Aren't you excited?" Mother asked.

"Honestly mother I don't think of the royal family as too differently from us. They just make big decisions that's all.The prince is wonderful I'm sure. But I'm really not ready for a relationship. So I'd rather not meet him." I said.

"The option is not yours. You will meet him. You will be beautiful. You will make him want you. You will do this for our family. You need to stop associating with Kennedy. Mona you will not defy me young lady." Mother said then she slapped me across my face.

"My apologies mother." I stated while cupping my stinging cheek.

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