Royal Life (Chapter.30)

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I finally hit the ground. A sharp pain went through my whole body. I felt around in the darkness for the bag of my belongings. I found it. I slowly stood and forced myself to walk. It was more painful than imaginable. But I did it anyway.

I walked toward the sound of the ocean. It felt like forever until I suddenly felt freezing cold water starting to seep through my slippers. The waves were crashing against the shore so hard that they made me stumble back. I continued to walk into the ocean until I could no longer touch the bottom. I swam for what felt like forever. Next my hands and feet started to go numb. But I kept going.

*Prince Gideon*

"Father she wants nothing to do with me. She is set on leaving. Maybe I should just let her." I said.

"Gideon you can't do that. She is perfect for the throne. She is a perfect girl. I understand things are hard but you need to do what is best for the kingdom. Mona is best for the kingdom. You need to court her. You must be forgetting how she was raised. Mona's parents are quite strict and expect a lot of her. She listened to everything they told her. So she is the adored child between her and her older sister. So yes she thinks she deserves to be treated greatly. She is not wrong to think so. You are used to being with floozies. Only ladies that want to be in your bed then get your fame and money. So you don't know how to treat a girl that isn't materialistic. Mona is a real young lady. She wants real love and wants to be treated like you could lose her. She wants you to prove that you deserve her presence as your partner in life. She reminds me a lot of your mother when I first met her. She is what I think you young kids call a "keeper." King Augustus said.

"I know she is wonderful. Mona is unlike anyone I've ever met. But she wants nothing to do with me. Isn't it wrong to keep someone here against their own will? She wants a normal Rollian girl's life. Being queen is just not what Mona wants. I think she's perfect for the throne just as much as you do. But I don't think it is right to force her Father."

"Oh Gideon you're so naïve. It doesn't matter what she wants. It doesn't even matter what you want. For centuries this kingdom has been ran by some of the best kings and queens in history. Do you honestly think all of them were naturally in love? If so you are more naïve than I thought. You obviously have no experience. Your mother has shielded you all of your life. Most of the kings and queens throughout the years have been arranged marriages. In the last 100 years that has changed. Now it is called "doing what is best for the kingdom." In reality you are still having to marry someone. If who you want doesn't fit the kingdom then you must leave them. I was in love before I met you your mother." The king explained.

"What? You were? There is always an arranged marriage? Well tell me about her. I had no idea you were previously in love."

"Her name was Ramona. She was training to be a professional dancer. She could do every type of dance you could think of. She was breathtaking at each one. Ramona had long luscious curly blonde hair. Her eyes were olive green. She was everything. We dated for three years. Then it became time to prepare for the throne. My father made me king later in my life than I am making you. He told me Ramona was not suitable for the throne. So I was no longer to be with her. If I refused then I would lose my life. I'm making you king earlier because I see the road you are about to travel down. It is not a good one. This way you won't fall in love with the wrong girl. Now Gideon you have to make things work with Mona. There is no option. Her parents are part of the council. They are good friends of mine. Now all that I want is for her to be queen. So Gideon you will marry her. When I found your mother I thought she was flawless. She was a beautiful, well rounded girl. But she wasn't Ramona. But I was not going to lose my life over a girl. When your mother and I first were forced to be together she did not want to be trapped. That's how she put it. She wanted to be out and have no one crowd her. But she had no choice. Before we knew it everything we thought we wanted disappeared. We realized doing what's best for the country is best for us because the people look up to us. We must be what people want. You will learn to love each other. That's what every king and queen have to do." My father explained.

"Fine father have it your way. I shall have no option in my own life. I will go speak with Mona and try to make things better with her. You know seeing as either way she will be my wife." I said with a glare then I walked away.

"Mona." I called while knocking on her door.

It was completely silent.

"Mona?" I called again. Still no response. I will just have to enter then. I'm so tired of her stubbornness.

I then opened the door. She was nowhere in sight. Maybe she is taking a bath. I shall check the bathroom.

"Mona?" She was not here at all. I then called a castle wide search for her.

No one found her. I then looked at her open window. She had a curtain and a set of sheets tied together. Did she hang herself? Or did she try to escape? If she tried to escape the guards would have seen her and brought her back.

I then ran downstairs to tell my father.

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