Learning Everything (Chapter.9)

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The next morning I heard moving around and voices near me. So I opened my eyes and when I did I saw a older man and woman,then a teenage quite attractive boy staring at me. I jumped up and screamed. Then I heard running down the steps. Apparently I wasn't the only one who heard the running because I turned to look at the three people who just scared the hell out me. They each were looking in the direction of the sound as well. Finally he appeared my Nash but his teeth were out and he looked pissed almost like he was ready to kill.

"What happened?! What did you all do to her?!" Nash said angerly.

"Oh Nash put those fangs away we did nothing to this girl but smell her and watch her as she slept. Nothing to worry about sweetheart." The woman said.

Nash sighed then put his fangs away.

"Mom, Dad, Ryan This is my girlfriend Mona. Mona this is my mother,father, and brother Ryan."

GIRLFRIEND?!!! I'm Nash's girlfriend! I like the sound of that! I had no idea we were there. Apparently we are in a relationship now!

"Nice to meet you all." I said as polite as possible.

"You as well." They all said it in unison.

Next all three of them left and it was just Nash and I. We did not end on a good note last night so I'm kind of nervous about how he will act towards me today. I want to walk out but I can't because I'm afraid he won't try to catch me. Losing Nash is not an option I just can't.

"Look Mona obviously we need to talk. I am sorry for freaking out so much last night. I never made it clear what I truly wanted out of this. So I shouldn't have gotten so worked up when you weren't sure what this was. But right now I will tell you what I want out of this. Mona I want to date you I want to be your boyfriend.  The person you can always come to for anything. I want to want more after every kiss we share. I want to know your life story, I want to know anything and everything  about you. Mona I want you! That is what I want. What do you want?"

"I want everything you want."

"Okay then Mona will you let me date you will you be my girlfriend?"

"YES!!! Sorry to sound so desperate but I really want to be your girlfriend!"

"Okay so Mona tell me about yourself starting with your family."

"Well I live with my parents and sister. We do not speak to anyone in our family. My parents are extremely strict. My sister is a wild child and kind of slutty. I have always been the non rule breaker, the goody goody. The one that my parents never have to worry about. I live in my sister's shadow I always have. Her name is Kennedy and she's twenty-one years old. My favorite color is ruby red, my last name is Houska and i'm sixteen years old. I have werewolves and shape-shifters in my family. I am only aloud to date humans,werewolves, and shape shifters. My parents worship Queen Veronica and King Augustus and witch hunters. I've been raised to hate all witches though I secretly don't they are nice ladies. Warlocks and vampires are considered nothing but "troublemakers". So we are suppose to stay clear of them as well. Around town Kennedy and I are known as the "goodey goodey Houska Sisters" and I am not fawned of the nickname but I can do nothing about it. I love my parents and Kennedy with all of my heart but I do not agree with everything that they do or believe. I do not voice my opinion because it does not matter only my parents does. I've never been noticed by a guy before because i am forced to wear Amish looking dresses my mother creates for us. My parents are currently unhappy with me because I am "acting out" and i'm becoming "trashy and slutty and I'm suppose to be the one they don't have to worry about." Oh and I really seem to adore you but the depth of my feelings for you truly frightens me. That's pretty much me I guess how about you?"

"Well you're perfect to me Mona and you stand in no ones shadow you are you all by yourself. I find you intriguing and amazing everything I find out about you makes me adore you even more." Nash said all sweet and stuff. I might have started blushing okay I did.

"Thank you Nash but on to you tell me your life story I'm dying to know."

"Alright here we go. I live with my parents and brother Ryan. Ryan is younger then me but barely and we look nothing alike. We are not blood brothers we are vampire brothers. Which means we were turned by the same person and that is it. When you turn to a vampire you aren't aloud to be with your human family any longer. My full name is Nash Benjamin Davis and I'm technically one hundred and seven years old but am nineteen in your years. My family only consists of my mother,father, and brother. My human family I no longer remember so I can give you no information about them. My parents are not strict they just say don't get in to to much trouble. Ryan and I are equal on trouble making statuses. We both have done things in the past they we are not proud of. Ryan and I are very close. He is technically one hundred and five but seventeen in your years.You truly make me interested in you and I don't know how but I am more interested in you then in anyone I've ever met.  I guess that pretty much sums me up as well."

"Wow, can you turn people in to vampires? If so have you ever done it?"

"I can and yes I have many times most of the time because of something Ryan did you know saving my brothers ass. Occasionally I did it for fun because I enjoy the taste of blood and it feels good to put venom into someone."

"Can you bite someone and drink their blood without turning them? Can you just bite someone without drinking their blood or turning them?"

"Yes and yes you only turn someone if you inject venom from your fangs which you have full control over. The only way to get blood when you bite someone is to suck. Everything is optional honestly, but a vampire does need blood to survive."

"I love knowing these things about you Nash I really do!"

"I enjoy getting to know you as well Mona."

"I feel so much closer to you now. Like we really have a relationship starting I like it." I said all joyful.

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