The End. (Chapter.50)

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Well time passed and Asher got bigger. Gideon came to see him almost every Sunday. Kennedy took it easy and got more and more pregnant. She had a healthy pregnancy. When Asher was 10 months old she had her baby. A little boy named Bryce James Keen. He was very healthy. They got to take him home.

It is now a year after my conversation with Nash. Asher is a year and two months old, while Bryce is now four months old. Everything is well. I have become used to being single and just being a mother. I no longer have desires for love. My son must come first that is all.

That night I was sleeping so soundly when I heard a noise that made me jump out of my sleep.

It came from my balcony. I got up and tried to figure out what it was. I opened the balcony door.

"Mona we need to talk." a voice said.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

"You were right all along. I pushed and pushed for you to put your happiness first and you finally did. I on the other hand listened like the small vampire servant I am. So as the vampire king I commanded that I will not be with Carson and that I will be with who I please. Everyone was shocked and flabbergasted. But I did what I had to do. I realized I love you more than any throne. I was removed from the throne. But I can't complain.I'm here now confessing my wrongs to you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I also hope somewhere deep down you still love me. I want Asher. I want to raise him as my own. I want you. I just want you. I don't care what comes with it as long as you're mine I couldn't reach a higher level of happiness. I think you are my highest level of happiness and I'm just trying to reach that. I miss the butterflies. I miss how nervous I got everytime you were around me. I never believed in love until I met you. You changed me in so many ways but for the better. I am just realizing this now. You can turn me down but I had to at least tell you how I feel." Nash explained.

"I love you as well. Nash I have attempted day after day to let the memory of us leave my mind. But it never happened. So many things reminded me of you. No matter how many attempts I made to forget you the memories of us flooded my mind like a soft river crashing into the ocean. The memories were sweet and delicate. But the pain they caused was like I was slowly dying inside. I can't believe you gave it all up for me. I do love you. I will always love you. I truly believe you are my soulmate. I will be with you again." I explained.

He then pulled me into the tightest embrace. I was fighting for air. He simply took my breath away. He was gorgeous. He was an image of pure perfection. My love for him is unlike anything else.I would give my life for him. Nash is mine today, tomorrow, and forever. After that we made love for the rest of the night. It was far more than sex. It was more intimate, I had never felt closer to Nash then on that night.

We later married. He loved Asher as much as he loved me but in a different way of course. Everything was perfect, my life was perfect. Well until the war started then things went downhill fast. The war got so bad that the people of Rola were being called in. Like the Americans when they had the draft. Soldiers were dying fast. Nash, Ian, Gideon, Augustus, and my father were all called to war. It was so hard to say goodbye. I was afraid it was the last time our lips touched.

Each day was hard. My worry for Nash took over my mind like a flood in a small town. But I lived with Kennedy while they were away. Kennedy and I were taking care of our boys together. She was just as worried about Ian as I was about Nash. But of course she tried to never show it. She acted as if everything was fine and she had no care in the world. I knew that was a lie. It had been a year since our husbands were called to war. Asher was now three years old. Bryce was two. They came back once to see us. When it was time for them to leave again I wanted to clench to Nash's jacket and beg and plead for him not to leave me ever again. But I knew he had no choice and that my desperate pleads for him to stay would only hurt him. So I thought it instead. When he left a piece of my heart went with him.

"Mona oh my god!" Kennedy said walking up the hallway.

"What is it?" I asked with worry.

"I'm pregnant." Kennedy said.

"What how?" I asked in shock.

"It had to happen the only time they came home. I can't believe it."

"Me neither but congratulations! The doctor told you after Bryce that you'd never have another baby! So this is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah it is. Now I just need Ian to come home and be with me forever!" Kennedy exclaimed.

"We both know that isn't going to happen anytime soon Kennedy." I admitted.

"I know." Kennedy said in a sad tone.

I then went to get Asher because he was crying. When I came back I saw Kennedy sitting in front of her computer talking away with a big smile on her face. I heard Ian's voice.

"A baby? Really? Oh my god! It's a miracle! Bryce will have a little brother!" Ian exclaimed.

"Or Bryce will have a little sister." Kennedy said.

"Hi Ian! Congratulations! You both deserve it!" I said with a smile and wave.

"Hey Mona! Thank you so much! Hi Asher!" Ian said with a smile.

Then my phone started ringing. It was Nash Skyping me! We talked for a while. He told me he was fine which was exactly what I wanted to hear. I kind of wondered if he just said that because he knew I wanted to hear it.

The next week passed. Kennedy went for a baby check up. The doctor told her that the next appointment she will know the gender of the baby! She had just finished telling me that when there was a knock on the door. We opened it together.

"Excuse me ladies are you Mona Robinson and Kennedy Keen?" One of the men asked.

"Yes. Why?" We asked in unison.

"We are soldiers with news. Nash Robinson and Ian Keen were killed last night in a night raid. I'm sorry for your losses." The soldier said then handed us folded up Rollian flags.

Kennedy covered her mouth in shock and devastation.

I dropped to my knees.I was crying harder than I ever had. I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. The love of my life is dead. I would never feel his cold embrace again. I would never feel the soft touch of his lips.I wouldn't feel that safe and protected feeling when he wrapped his arms around me. I would never look into his breathtaking blue eyes, run my fingers threw his perfect blonde hair, get a whiff of his hypnotizing smell. I think losing him will be the death of me. I don't know how I will ever go on.

A week after the worst news I had ever gotten, I got some crazy news. Apparently my father, Augustus, and Gideon were all killed in war also. My mother and Veronica were killed in a car accident in the same week.

Now Kennedy was left to raise two kids. One of which who will never meet their father. I was left to have to break the news that basically all of Asher's family was killed. He was left with Kennedy and I. It's amazing when we were little it was always us against the world. Then we split for a while. I stopped telling her I loved her due to the craziness of my life. But in the end Kennedy is my sister. She is my rock. She has been there for me through everything. She is a once in a lifetime person you meet. I'm blessed to have her as my sister. I used to wonder what would happen if I broke the rules. I used to wonder how bad it would be for me if I did it. Then I did it and it was bad, horrible if you will. But before I broke the rules I was unhappy. After I broke the rules I was happy for a little while. In the end it doesn't matter if you break the rules or not. Your life will end up the same. I lost the one person I never wanted to lose. But I was blessed with a son that Nash couldn't give me. I've made many decisions in my life. But I have to say I don't regret any of them. I broke the rules yes. But from breaking the rules I got to eventually marry the love of my life.There are consequences to every decision you make. Maybe my biggest consequence was losing Nash. Who knows?  

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