Plan For Happiness(Chapter. 45)

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"A baby?" Kennedy asked in shock.

"Yes he won't become king until I'm pregnant. It is dumb. I'm so angry. I just wish I could run away." I said.

"I came up with a plan but I'm afraid it won't work because of this new information." Kennedy said.

"Well what's your plan?" I asked.

"I was thinking once you and Gideon are king and queen, you two can change the laws. Then you will be the law." Kennedy said.

"That's a great idea besides the fact that I have to be pregnant before he can become king." I said.

"Yes, I'm not sure what to do about that. Like that definitely makes things a lot harder. I don't know what to do right now. I'm going to have to talk to Ian and see if he has any ideas." Kennedy said.

"Like I get you love Ian and he's just perfect and full of ideas. But I don't think even he can fix this one." I responded.

"You don't know that, just give us some time."

"Alright well in the meantime I'm going back to the castle. I love you. I'll see you later." I said giving Kennedy a kiss and a hug.

She did it back and then I was on the way back to the castle. When I arrived I went and laid in the bed. I didn't want anyone or anything to bother me. I wanted nothing more but to be alone.

"Mona we need to talk." Gideon said then shutting and locking the door.

There went my peace and quiet.

"Yes Gideon?" I asked.

"I don't want to have kids right now. I don't think I want them at all. Now I'm being forced into having them? I just want to run away. I no longer want to be a prince or part of the royal family. I wasn't ready to get married but here we are. I mean this is too much too fast!" Gideon said trying to catch his breath.

"Woe you need to calm down. I agree this is all happening way to fast. But I do want children. I have an idea but you need to listen closely."

"What's your idea?"

"Well we go ahead and get pregnant. Let's face it there is no way we will get out of it. I am in love with Nash. You've been acting weird lately. Do you have someone in mind as well?" I asked.

"Yes I do." Gideon said.

"Well as you know vampires can't have children. So we have a child and I can be with Nash and you can be with your girl. Once we are king and queen we will be the law. So we can overrule the whole no divorce thing! But I want to stay queen your new wife cannot be queen. I want to make a difference. Who is this lady may I ask?" I said with a smile.

"She is one of your maids. She is the one with the black hair. Her name is Ember. She is beautiful. I truly adore her. But my father will never let it happen with her." Gideon said with a sad facial expression.

"That's what I'm saying. Once we are king and queen we will be in charge. Your father will have no control over the decisions made for Rola. It will be up to us and us only. That's the beauty of the situation. We can be happy. Now let's make a baby." I said trying to push the plan in motion.

"Alright." Gideon said. He then wrapped his arms around me and started making out with me. The more he touched me, the more I realized I now truly despise him. I can't stand Gideon. Each time he touched me I simply wanted to puke. If there was any question before about us being meant for each other. It is answered now. You aren't going to despise the person you're meant to be with.

On the bright side. He wasn't forcing me to do anything. He didn't want this anymore than I did. But he tried his hardest to make it enjoyable. Before I knew it, it was done.

"Now what do we do?" Gideon asked.

"We go on about our normal lives. We also wait. In a few days I will take a pregnancy test. Let's hope it works. If I'm pregnant then we will be crowned. Then our lives are up to us!" I said with a hopeful smile.

"Alright. I shall go do some Prince work then." Gideon said as his phone vibrated repeatedly.

"Alright I shall go visit with my sister. I'll see you tonight. Goodbye." I said then we both exited the room and parted ways.

"I don't know Mona this just isn't right. It is almost as if the king is forcing a child into this world. Having a baby should be a wonderful thing and experience. This just isn't the way to do it. Did you already attempt?" Kennedy explained then asked.

"I couldn't agree more. But on the bright side I want children. Nash is unable seeing as he's a vampire. So even though it has to be with Gideon. At least I still get to become a mother. There is no doubt in my mind that this baby will have a great life. I know it will. Yes we've already attempted, earlier today actually. We had no choice Kennedy. The only way we could get the throne was for me to be pregnant. Once we are king and queen we can overrule any law in existence. This isn't the way I wanted everything to happen. But I must always look at the bright side." I said with a smile.

"Alright I understand. I just wish things could have been different. I wish you could have your life the way you wanted to. But I'm happy you have a plan to now get your happiness. Either way this child will be my niece or nephew. I will love it unconditionally. I will simply pretend it is Nash's baby instead of Gideon's." Kennedy said with a laugh.

"I agree. I'm not sure how all of this will work out. But I'm hoping well." I said.

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