Set in Stone (Chapter. 35)

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"Gideon may we speak for a moment?" I asked.

"Well of course I was just trying to give you space." He answered.

I shut the door and he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Gideon I have taken your apology into consideration. I have realized the type of stress and pressure you are under on a daily basis. I had no idea that us bring together was a life or death situation. I have thought long and hard about what I am about to say to you. But I feel for the moment this is the best decision. I appreciate your apology and explanation for your behavior more than you'll ever understand. I thought you were simply showing your true colors lately. So I started to despise you. But now you have made me understand. Gideon I feel we should give a relationship a real attempt. I want no games. We need to see if there is real chemistry here. But I cannot do this while still being with Nash. I would like to meet him and explain what is happening. If you do not let me do this then I will make no attempt in a relationship with you." I explained.

"Wonderful! You will meet Nash in the park at 9 pm tonight. But you will have a body guard with you. People now know you are associated with royalty so being alone could be dangerous." Gideon said.

"Alright." I answered.

I then went and ate breakfast. After that I felt I needed a bubble bath. I lit candles around the bathroom and put in some headphones. I relaxed for a few hours in the bath.

Before I knew it, it was time to meet Nash. I was quite nervous not knowing how he will respond to what I have to say. But I put on a ruby silk dress it has a scoop neck which shows a little cleavage. Around the scoop neck is black lace. The dress has three quarter length sleeves. The dress drags a little bit behind me. Next I put on the diamond necklace Kennedy gave me for my previous birthday. I met the body guard and I got in the limo.

When I got out I saw Nash sitting on a bench a few feet away. My heart started to pound as I walked toward Nash. The body guard agreed to stay with the limo.

"Hello Nash." I said with a closed mouth smile.

"Mona!" Nash said with excitement and held me in a tight hug.

"We need to speak Nash." I said.

"You long beautiful! I am so sorry for the way I acted. I should have just calmed down about the prince as you asked me to." Nash said.

"Thank you. Nash that is in the past now but I appreciate the apology. Nash sit down this is a big thing I need to speak with you about." I said while taking a deep breath.

"Mona what is going on?" Nash asked with a worried expression.

"My parents and the king and queen are not going to let this queen thing go. I have decided because there is no way for us to be together that I will attempt a real relationship with Gideon. I want to learn if I have any real chemistry with him. I love you Nash, I truly do. But giving it a try with Gideon is the easier thing to do. There is no possible way we can be together at the moment. I do not want it to be this way. But there is no other thing I can do. Please don't be upset or angry." I said while holding his hand.

He jerked his hand away from me.

"So you are choosing the prince over me? What part of love is easy? You want him? Fine go have him then. But Mona don't expect me to be waiting for you if things don't work out with him. I won't be waiting, I deserve better than that. I have treated you well. I have done nothing wrong. Maybe you are not the girl I thought you were anyway. I can't honestly believe you are going to let your parents rule your life again. You will live your whole life unhappy because you never stand up for yourself. Even though breaking the rules is wrong. Everything about our relationship felt right though. But once again you are going to go back to being a rule follower. Live your own life Mona stop letting your parents live it for you. I hope you're happy with your decision. You have lost me. I really loved you Mona. But I won't be treated as if I am not good enough for you simply because I am a vampire. Enjoy being under your parents rule for the rest of your life. Enjoy never making a decision by yourself. Goodbye Mona, I really wish this would have worked out differently." Nash explained.

"Nash you don't understand." I started to say but I was interrupted.

"No Mona you don't understand. We could have had a life together. But you keep putting everyone else's opinions and wants for you ahead of your own. I love you and care about you. But this is just ridiculous. I am good enough for you. I know I am. But I will not attempt to prove that. So as your parents have decided and wanted all along this is the end. But I hope you know everything we've been through is pointless. Don't try to find me. Just leave me alone forever. Enjoy your horrible decisions your highness." Nash said with a mad expression. Then he stormed away.

I started to cry. Now I feel as if I have lost the best person I could have. Now Nash is gone forever. Even if I leave Gideon. I will be alone. I feel horrible. I really love Nash. He is the person I really want to be with. But now we will never again be.j

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