How Bad Can It Get?! (Chapter.23)

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"Mona I tried to tell you to do something for you. But as usual you followed the orders barked at you by mom and dad. Dad could have killed you if Nash hadn't showed up. Do you know how bad that is? A parent should never beat their children. Maybe a spanking every now and then is acceptable when they are little. But a grown girl should not be beaten with anything. I mean he put you in the hospital am I the only one that sees the issue here?" Kennedy ranted.

"No Kennedy I understand it was horrible what he did was horrible. I wasn't sure what extreme he would go to when I told him about Nash. I don't think I ever imagined that though. I have never seen him so angry before. He keeps calling my phone mother does as well. But I'm terrified to answer. I don't think I want to know what either one of them has to say. I have always been the perfect child in their eyes. That was the first time I truly disappointed them. Maybe that's why everything happened. I felt horrible about disobeying them but Nash is amazing. But they refuse to take the time to see that." I admitted.

"You owe either one of your parents nothing. You think I'm amazing that's all that matters. I don't need their approval of me Mona. You love me and I love you. Now that you live with Kennedy and Ian you are safe and I get to wake up next you and go to sleep next you. This is a much better arrangement in my opinion. "Nash said.

"I've just never been a rule breaker. Apparently this is what happens when you break the rules. Being a good girl has always worked for me. I'm far out of my comfort zone. I don't regret telling them about us though." I said with a smile.

"Well I hope not." Nash answered.

After that it was bedtime I took my shower and laid down. Nash had to go do some vampire business so he was gone. I was left to fall asleep while drowning in my thoughts. I feel guilty about everything to be honest. My parent's disappointment kept playing in my head over and over again.

I felt something touch me in the middle of the night. I figured it was Nash coming home. But then I was grabbed and tape was put over my mouth. After that everything went black.

"Wake up. We must talk." A voice yelled.

I opened my eyes to see my parents standing in front of me. My hands were tied tightly with rope behind my back as if I was getting arrested. I was on my knees on the floor of our basement. Next my father ripped the tape off of my mouth. I was terrified. I started to cry out of the fear of what was going to happen next.

"What are you going to do to me father?" I asked while hyperventilating from the crying.

"You decided to go against everything we taught you. Mona we gave you everything. We even turned you into a respectful, beautiful young woman that was fit for a queen. How do you repay us? You date the one kind we have told you all of these years that was dangerous and horrible. You told us thinking we would approve. You already knew we would not. You saw what we did to your sister for dating a drowser. But our entire anger and disappointment aside we must talk. Your sister thought taking you and your stuff to live with her would end all of this. But as usual she was wrong. Your mother and I have spoken a lot about this. We've decided your sister's influence on you has made you this horrible person. But we know the real you is still there. So we shall not give up on you. We have come up with a plan to get the real you back. Also so you don't ruin your life. After the amazing daughter you have always been your mother and I agree you deserve to have a wonderful life. Just because you have had a lack of judgement doesn't mean your life should be ruined. Therefore it will not!" Father said.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked in confusion.

"You are going to be queen of Rola. You will live with the prince from now on. You will marry him, become queen, have his children, and live happily ever after. We have already talked to his parents they agree."

"You are forcing me?" I asked.

"Yes but for your own good Mona. You seem upset now. But once your life is everything we always knew it would be you'll be thanking us later trust me." Father said with satisfaction.

"But you can't force me!" I yelled.

"I can and I will. I will not let you ruin your life like your sister did. You are worth too much for that." Father said.

"She didn't ruin her life. She's happy. Why is that so bad to you?" I asked.

"She ruined it. But now she is irrelevant. So let's talk about you." Father said.

"So what is going to happen?"

"These guards are here to take you to your future husband at the royal castle aka your new home. They will not let you leave. So you might as well just embrace it to begin with. Bye Mona we will keep in touch don't you worry!" Father said while waving at me.

"Remember everything we taught you sweetheart. You are fit for a queen and now you shall be one! Everything I've ever wanted for you is finally coming true. I could not be more proud! Yes you just had a bump in the road but hey you are fixing it now. So I am not upset any longer. I cannot wait for the wedding. It will be marvelous! Then I shall have grandchildren oh sweetheart so much excitement right now! Bye sweetheart we will see you soon enough. Congratulations!" Mother yelled while waving.

Then the two guards grabbed each of my arms and carried me out like that. I was put into the car and was driven away from happiness.

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