More Then Just Sex (Chapter.8)

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My face was in this persons soaked shirt. But I didn't even care because i recognized that cold body and that tight hug. I looked up and saw those crystal blue eyes looking in to mine.

"Oh Nash you always appear at the right time I don't know how but I love it."

"Baby what happened? You've been crying tell me everything."

"You actually want to know? I thought this was just a sex thing."

"What? No! Of course not! Lets.. Lets just go somewhere and talk. I'll take you to my place."

"Okay.' I said.

Even though I'm upset I'm not going to lie I'm pretty excited to see Nash's house. I wonder if he lives alone or if he still lives with his family. I don't even know his last name or how old he is. I know he's gorgeous,his name is Nash,he actually likes me, and that he's a vampire. But that's it I don't know anything about him as a person he doesn't know anything about me either.

We got to his house and it was beautiful and in the woods. So private too that's amazing! His house is a mansion!  With a pool in the front I've never seen anything like it. It was so open and big and modern. I truly could not believe my eyes.

"Come on in Mona." he said!

I walked in to the tallest ceilings I had ever seen. The floor was black marble everywhere! You go down a long hallway then you go can go into the huge living room or go up a flawless carpeted staircase which we did. When we reached the top of the steps We went down another long hallway then turned to the left, came to a door and Nash opened it. He walked in and I followed. It was breathtaking. A huge flat screen to my left and the biggest bed I had ever seen to my right. He had a deck as a balcony which was huge as well. He threw a pair of pajama pants next to me that said "Bite Me". Then he threw a shirt next to the pants that said "It Hurts So Good Almost To Good". He said  " You can change into those." So I did. Then he changed as well but he was in black skinny jeans and a black and lime green sweater. After we changed we then sat down on his bed it was very soft and comfortable.

"Your house is amazing just so beautiful Nash!"

"Thank you but we need to talk. What did you mean when you said to me that you thought this was a just a sex thing?" Nash said that in a curious and hurt sounding tone. One I was not fawned of.

"You know we didn't know each other and the first time we met at the club I dry humped you in the V.I.P. room. The second time I saw you we had sex in the sand on the beach under the abandoned bridge. So yeah I thought this was a sex thing and nothing more am I wrong or something?"

"Yes Mona! Of course you're wrong! The thing at the club was great but probably shouldn't have happened. But the thing on the beach was great and I'm glad it did. Mona I took your virginity that meant a lot to me that you would give me you're virginity."

"Oh my god you knew I was a virgin?! This is so embarrassing! Ugh!!!"

"You were extremely tight and you were nervous. Of course I knew you were a virgin. Why would you be embarrassed about it though? That's not something to be ashamed of at all. I actually care about you Mona. I do not just want you for sex. If I did I would've bitten you and I haven't done that! Do you want this to just be sex?"

"NO! I want it to be more trust me.Nash I'm so sorry i thought this was just sex. Please don't be mad at me."

"What kind of guy do you think I am? Do you think I'm some kind of man whore player or something? What the fuck Mona? I can't believe you said that shit! I am pissed off and extremely hurt. You think you are just a good fucking to me! But nothing more then that! How the hell am I suppose to feel Mona? Cheerful because you apologized? That isn't going to happen I assure you! I brought you back here tonight to make you feel better and to hopefully get to know you as a person. Not for another good fucking. It made me really upset when I saw you tonight walking alone crying! All I wanted was for you to feel better! So I hugged you so tightly to let you know I'm here for you. Wow Mona!" He said those things with such anger,shock,and sadness. It really hurt me to know I hurt him so bad.

"Nash I'm so sorry please don't be like this." I pleaded.

"No I do not want to talk to you anymore tonight just go to sleep." He said.

So I went downstairs and got on his huge black fuzzy sectional and went to sleep. 

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