On The Way To The Throne (Chapter. 44)

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I scanned the island to see what all is here. It's like an island paradise. I mean crystal blue ocean water, palm trees, white sand etc. I'm in love with this place. Is there any way I can live here and Gideon can live in the kingdom? Yeah I know, it was hopeful thinking.

We then unpacked our stuff. Our bedroom, was huge. It has a king size bed. It has a deck looking onto the ocean. But there was rose pedals everywhere. I think I'm going to throw my food up. The house is simply a modern mansion. That's the best way to explain it.

I then decided I needed to get away from Gideon. So I changed into my bathing suit. It is a black one piece. That basically looks like a floozy like dress. It doesn't cover any part of my thighs. It barely covers my butt. It is also a V-neck so my cleavage isn't covered like it should be either. After putting on sun screen I decided I was going to the ocean. I picked up my towel and headed for the door.

"Where are you going beautiful?" Gideon asked with a smile while leaning on the door facing of the kitchen.

"Please refer to me as Mona. That is my birth name. I am going to the ocean." I replied.

"My apologies, I was just trying to give you a compliment. Don't you think we should spend time together?" Gideon asked.

"No. I didn't even want to marry you. I don't want to be married to you now. I did it to save your life. That is it. I love Nash. He is who I really wish to be with if you really want to know." I answered.

"Space is a good thing. I'll see you later then darling." He said with a smile.

I said nothing I just stormed off. It appears he just ignored everything I said.

I finally made it to the water. Next off came my flip flops and my towel was dropped. I had it wrapped around me this whole time. I didn't want Gideon to see my bathing suit and get any ideas.

The sand was very warm between my toes. But I loved it. I had my feet in the water. It was surprisingly warm. So I went all the way in. I could see all of the fish swimming beneath me. It was amazing. But then I glanced up to see Gideon making his way to the water.

He was shirtless with a six pack. He was very fit. He is handsome. But not my type really. I dreaded each inch that made him closer to me.

But then he was right next to me.

"There you are! I'm surprised you swam out this far. I like the swim suit I must say." He said with a smile.

"Why do you keep doing this? You know I don't want to be with you. Why don't we enjoy our times separately?"

"My father and yours to will not allow us to have this type of marriage. They want us to learn to love each other. That's the only option we have. The more I get to know you the more I see that you're a little uptight. Which really isn't my preferred type of lady."

"Well if I'm not your preferred type of lady then divorce me and give me my freedom at once. I did this to save your life. I will not be treated this way. I do not care if you're a prince or not. I deserve to be treated like the lady I am. I will not accept anything less." I snapped.

"You know I can't divorce you but nice thought though." He said with a smile.

"I can't wait for this hell I mean honeymoon to end." I snapped. I then got out of the water and went and locked myself in the bathroom.

For the next few days (which felt like years) I was stuck on an island with Gideon. I tried to make the best of it. I tried to enjoy it. I even tried to give him a chance once more. It just was horrible.

The day it was time for us to go home was a great day.

We finally made it back to the castle.

"What is happening to my things and why are they being escorted out of my room?" I asked the maid.

"We were told to move them into your new room. You and Prince Gideon now have a bedroom together. It is marvelous ma'am. You will love it. He gets a new room as well. It is exciting for both of you." The maid said.

I marched downstairs and knocked on the door to the King's office.

"Come in." He said.

"Your Highness I would like to keep my room. Please do not make me move into a room with your son." I stated.

"As a married couple it is simply what you do. Mona you must learn to love each other. It is how it has happened for centuries. He wants to keep his room as well. I also told him no. So go move in to your new bedroom." The king said. He then waved me away.

I went to the new room. It was nice. It was far better than the bedroom I had been staying in.

"So are you a fan of our new room darling?" Gideon asked.

"Don't act like you are enjoying this. The king told me you asked to keep your room too. Which means you are miserable as well." I said.

"Yes I am. I mean it isn't fun being married to someone who despises me. You are too uptight and too conservative for my taste anyway. So I would rather just move on. But that isn't possible." He said sitting on the edge of" our" bed.

"Gideon and Mona, I need to have a word with you." The king said.

We both got up and walked to the king's office.

"So we have come to the time where it is time to make you king and queen."

"What? Already? I'm not prepared father." Gideon said in shock.

"But you are son. You married who I told you to, simply for the love of Rola. You are more than ready for the throne." The king said with a smile.

"Alright well when is the ceremony?" Gideon asked.

"Very soon. But there is one more thing I need from you two before I hand you the throne." The king stated.

"What is it?" I asked chiming in.

"You must be pregnant with the first heir before you get crowned." The king said.

"What?!" I screamed.

"A baby like now? I'm not ready for it. I'm still not ready for the married part of life."

"This is not happening." I yelled.

Breaking The Rules #TheWattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora