Explanations ( Chapter.33)

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I heard a noise. It sounded like someone was moving stuff around. I could hear it but I did not open my eyes. All I wanted was to sleep. I was almost back to sleep when I heard a loud crashing sound. It scared me so bad that I sat up and I gasped. My heart was pounding. I could see nothing because the room was pitch black. Then a pair of hands wrapped around me. I began to scream. Then a hand covered my mouth tightly. I tried to fight but I couldn't get away. Before I knew it, I was being dragged down the stairs. I kicked and kicked but it did nothing. I was then shoved into the back of a car. The rest was a blur.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw my old room. I tried to move but my hands and feet were tied to the bed. I was put in a sitting position. Next the door opened and the light turned on. My eyes stung because of how bright it was. Then in walked my parents.

"Mona you should be at the castle what on earth are you doing here?" My father asked then started to laugh.

I said nothing I just glared.

"Mona I am disappointed in you. We set up your life for you. The best life you could have in all of Rola. We raised you to be a wonderful young woman. So we wanted to give you the best life possible. After your sister became nothing but a disgrace to our family, we saw how wonderful you were turning out and couldn't be more proud. Mona you are repaying us horribly. You left the castle. You are very unappreciative. I am shocked. I expected such behavior from Kennedy, but not from you." Mother said.

"This was your dream. Not mine. No one even asked what I wanted to do. I don't want or need to be royalty. That's what both of you want. I want to be a normal Rollian girl. I want to work at the spice and craft shop. I want to be with my vampire. I want to be normal." I replied.

"That is not going to happen. You will be queen and have the Prince's heirs to the throne. You will live happily ever after like in a fairy tale. Do you understand Mona?" My father yelled then asked.

"No I will not." I replied with a snappy tone.

"Mona I think you did not understand what I'm saying. Leave now Luna." My father yelled.

"Benedict you do not need to scream at me." My mother responded.

"I said leave Luna!" My father yelled and pointed toward the door.

My mother said nothing. She bowed her head as if she was heartbroken and she listened to what he said. She exited the room.

My father turned back to me and slapped me across the face.

"Ouch!" I screamed.

"You will stop disobeying me Mona." My father said with a deep breath.

"Why won't you let me live my own life? I do not understand this nonsense." I asked.

He looked at me in utter shock. This is the first time in my life that I am voicing my own opinion. I was taught not too. When you are an adult you may voice your opinion. Other than that you smile and listen to each and every rule.

"You will do as I say. Your mother and I created the life that everyone dreams of for you. We wanted to do the same for your sister. But then she was wild, didn't follow the rules, became a floozy, dated a Drowser etc. There was no longer hope for her. So we focused only on you. You turned out better than we could have ever imagined. So of course instead of setting up a good life for you, we set the best life for you. This is not to make you miserable. These decisions have been to show you that we are proud. That we think you've done so well that you can be royalty. But you are taking this as if we are being selfish or controlling. But we are trying to spoil you. Mona I don't understand why you're being like this." My father explained.

I had never thought of that. My parents simply trying to spoil me, but if I reject it then they should respect my wishes.

"I appreciate you being proud of me, and trying to give me the best. But my wishes are to be normal and you should respect them." I replied.

"If you do not appreciate our attempts then we will force you to be queen. You will do it for our selfish reasons. But you will grow to love the life and the prince." My father answered.

"No, I want to live my own life!" I screamed.

"If you do not want what we want for you, then we will force you into it. The option is not yours. It never has been we control you and your life. Gentleman, feel free to take her back to the castle. If she fights then you simply force her." My father said. He then glared at me and left the premises.

I was then untied. I was picked up and carried to a limo. I knew exactly where we were going.

Time passed, I huddled myself into the corner of the seat. I didn't want to go back. I went through so much to escape, all of it for nothing.

"Mona I'm so happy you're alright." Gideon said as he grabbed my hand with a relieved facial expression.

"Well look who it is, our future queen, welcome back Mona." The king said with a smirk.

I said nothing I just went upstairs to my room.

"Mona we need to talk. I would like to apologize." Gideon started to say as he sat on the edge of my bed.

Gideon wants to apologize? What will he even apologize for? How is this even possible? What lies is he about to say?

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