Chemistry? (Chapter. 36)

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I awoke to repeated knocking. Then the door opened. It was two young maids in their twenties I'd say. They pushed in a cart covered with metal pans. They pushed it to me and took each metal pan off. The cart was spread out with every breakfast item you could think of. The only thing that wasn't there was egg zoocosk. Which is my favorite and a Rolian delicacy from the 1800's. I picked up the plate and put a piece of French toast, scrapple, sausage, and a scoop of eggs on it. I then poured myself some orange juice.

"What is the issue ma'am? Don't see what you are wanting? Tell us it will be made immediately." One maid said.

"Yes I would actually enjoy some egg zoocosk please." I said.

They looked at each other in confusion.

"Ms.Houska what is egg zoocosk?" One maid asked.

"It is a Rolian delicacy form the 1800's. You work in the royal castle but have no clue about that? I would like to speak with the royal chef. May I go down and see him?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am of course you may do whatever you like." The maid answered.

I got up and put a robe over my satin nightgown. The maid held the door for me and down the steps I went.

"Excuse me sir. Do you know anything about the Rolian delicacy form the 1800's called zoocosk?" I asked.

"Well of course my family has always cooked this. It is a tradition for every holiday why do you ask?" The chef asked.

"Oh I would like you to make it for me!" I said with a smile.

"Well of course madam! I'm thrilled to see someone so young be interested in the dish. It is like an omelet on a croissant with syrup. But much bigger than the average omelet and croissant. It has eggs, 5 different types of cheeses, 3 different types of sausage, kielbasa, and 2 different types of hash browns it. Then of course the omelet is on a huge croissant with lots of syrup. Is there anything you'd like me to take out ma'am?" The chef asked.

"No I like it all thank you sir." I said with a smile.

I realized that I was doing random things to keep my mind off of the Nash situation. I realized I love him more anything. But I realized that after I had already told him my decision. Then he stormed off. I ruined it. I ruined us. I wonder if I'll ever get over him. I feel as if I won't.

I ate my zoocosk and got lost in deep thought.

"Oh Mona let's go on a date." Gideon said.

"But I have just finished breakfast."

"Go get ready. We shall not eat then." Gideon said with excitement.

He ended up taking me to a beautiful flower garden. It had a brick path go through the garden. It had every flower and bush you could think of. It was magnificent. Surrounding the garden was a huge hay field. I'm not going to lie I was impressed. I thoroughly enjoyed our date. But in the back of my mind Nash was there and refused to leave.

"So Mona I've had a wonderful time." Gideon said with a smile. He then leaned in and kissed me.

Right there is how you know if you have chemistry or not. There was nothing. I expected a spark or butterflies in my stomach, I mean something. But I felt nothing. When Nash kissed me I got butterflies every time, I had the spark, and I could barely breathe when our lips touched. It was the most amazing thing. I couldn't believe it happened every time we kissed. But with Gideon it was nothing, I just felt our lips touch. I wasn't the least bit impressed. I don't think I can cross him off of the list so quickly though. I wonder if he felt anything. I kind of hope not seeing as I felt nothing. We then returned to the castle. I began watching tv. When one of the maids walked in and handed me an envelope.

"Ms.Houska a letter has come for you." The maid said.

"Why thank you." I said with a smile.

I looked at the envelope. It said from Kennedy Houska. I took a deep breath. I was quite nervous about what the letter may say. I have not spoken to Kennedy since our fight. I slowly opened it.

"Mona Houska,

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Ian Keen and Kennedy Houska.

You may not bring a date.

It is November 1.

We are looking forward to you celebrating with us."

Kennedy is getting engaged? Why don't I know about this already? I then flipped over the invitation. It asks for a meeting with Kennedy and Ian. They would like to come over today!

"Gideon my sister would like to come over today and speak with me today. She will be here in one hour." I said.

"Alright enjoy your time with your sister. I have royal duties to attend too. I will be back later.  

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