What's Chosen For Me (Chapter.39)

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I was in utter shock about the things that my mother told me. I learned a lot about her and my father. Things I don't think I wanted to know. It has really opened my eyes to the horrible person my father truly is. I thought when he hit me it was bad enough. But then hearing all of that made things worse. I am now more bitter than ever before. I do not want to marry Gideon. I want to leave.

"Gideon I cannot to do this. I don't want to marry you. I don't want to have your children. I've tried at this whole chemistry thing. But in reality when we kissed I felt nothing. It was just our lips touching. I believe there is a spark. In true love you get butterflies in your stomach and a pain in your chest. It feels almost magical you could say. We just have no connection at all." I admitted.

"We will have to learn to have a connection. We will be married and have children. Look Mona I understand this is not what you want. To be honest I don't want to be with a girl that doesn't want me and is being forced to be with me. As hard as that is to believe. You are wonderful, there is no denying it. Anyone that doesn't realize that is dumb. But Mona I am not willing to give my life so you can be happy. I just won't do it, I refuse. I will be killed if you don't marry me. Sorry but you have to marry me." Gideon explained.

"What if we got married and then you get crowned, and then we get divorced will that be okay?" I asked with a slight hope.

"I wish but no. My father does not believe in divorce. I truly am sorry. But my life is chosen for me as well. I get no option about becoming king. The girl I marry is chosen for me. I must have children. I barely can decide what I eat. So I too get how frustrating it is to not be able to decide anything in your life."

"Then I am going to my room." I said then I did.

I laid in the bed for hours. I just thought about why this had to happen to me. Then I heard phone ringing. I turned to see there was a phone in my room now! So of course I answered it!

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mona hey! It's Kennedy. I just wanted to tell you that we are going dress shopping for you today. I want you to pick out your maid of honor dress. I will have to approve of course. I am leaving momentarily. See you soon!" Kennedy said then hung up.

She soon arrived and before we knew it we were in the bridal shop.

"So how are you feeling? How are things with Gideon going?" Kennedy asked.

"I'm kind of discouraged. Things are not well. I told him I did not want to marry him again. We do not have any chemistry. He told me he was sorry and that he wasn't going to die for my happiness. You do know that if he doesn't marry me he will be put to death right?" I asked.

"Oh my god no I didn't know that. That's horrible. Well I get why he is trying so hard at this point. So what are you going to do?" Kennedy asked.

"I'm going to marry him. I have no other choice. What dress are you thinking?" I asked trying to steer away from the horrifying subject.

"Well I wish I could help. But I'm afraid I don't know how. I'm thinking a short sleeve lace dress for you. But I'm debating on the color. I think it should be a deep red and it should go to the knee. Oh I love this one! This is it go try it on!" Kennedy said with excitement.

I went and tried it on. It was exactly how she described, but it was like a silky slip under it. Which made it oh so comfortable. I adored it. But it was unlike anything I'd worn. It was so stylish and different.

"I agree this is it." I said with a smile. Kennedy then reserved it for me and we left. We then went to lunch. The restaurant is Kennedy's favorite. It is an outside restaurant in downtown Rola. The seating is outside under an awning while they cook inside. Downtown Rola is my favorite. It is a line of little shops and restaurants. There is a lot of antique shops. Everything is small and cute. But uptown Rola is half like a city with skyscrapers and people in business attire. Then the other half is like a countryside, with many farms and land. Then there is the last part of Rola. The "royal side" which consists of a town that is a mixture of all of that except the downtown part. But only upper class people live there. I live there. That is also where the royal castle is. I feel very free when I'm in downtown Rola. No one is judgmental there. It is a quite beautiful place.

"So you're just going to marry him? What if you marry him and he becomes king then you get divorced? Then you'll be free to do what you want." Kennedy asked.

"The king doesn't believe in divorce. Therefor it will not happen. Every divorce goes through King Augustus. I already asked Prince Gideon and that's what he said. He's actually on my side, regardless of his death penalty. I appreciate his kindness. I wish there was a way to be happy. But that is simply not in the cards for me Kennedy. But I'm thrilled for your wedding!" I said once again trying to steer away from the conversation of Gideon.

"I don't know there has to be a way. I'll have to think some more. Yes! I am excited for the wedding as well. I already have everything planned. Your dress was the last thing. Ian has the groomsmen done as well. I'm nervous but happy to know that Ian will be my husband. The wedding is approaching so quickly. But anyway how is your shrimp linguini?" Kennedy asked.

"I know it's right around the corner. You have a week left! It is amazing, I get it every time I come here! How is your grilled chicken carbonara?" I asked.

"Wonderful as always! So I know once you marry Gideon you must have children with him. But do you honestly want children? I feel as if no one has asked that."

"I do want children. I always have wanted children. But I want children with someone I adore with all of my heart. Gideon I'm afraid isn't him. So I want children just not with Gideon. But how about you? I mean you're about to be married than are children in the books for you?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry Mona. I wish there was something I could do. Don't you worry I will continue to think. Something will come to me and solve all of your issues. I want children yes. I don't know how soon after we marry it will happen though."

"Awe yay! I can't wait to be an aunt! Anyway I must be getting back to the castle. I will see you at your wedding I love you dearly goodbye!" I then hugged and kissed my sister on the cheek.

"Alright. Goodbye, I love you as well. I'll see you there!" She returned the hug and kiss. I then left and back to the castle I went.

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