Depression Setting In (Chapter.11)

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I redressed myself and started walking home. When I got home I changed into my night gown and looked in my bathroom mirror. I moved my hair to my right shoulder so I could get a good look at my neck. I looked at my neck and Nash wasn't lying. Those two fang marks were there very clear and noticeable. They were bloody so I washed them off with a wash rag. I then just went to bed.

The next morning I was woken up by mother screaming "Breakfast!" I didn't move out of my bed. When she stopped yelling I hoped they wouldn't notice that I didn't come downstairs to eat. My hope didn't come true a few minutes later my bedroom door opened and shut. I then felt someone sit on the end of my bed.

"Mona sweetheart your mother called everyone for breakfast are you alright?" My father asked.

"I heard her father I'm just not feeling well my apologies." I said.

"It's fine dear just lay here and rest I'll let your mother know." My father said then left.

I laid there all day sleeping and being sad. I care about Nash so much. I'm falling for him. But now he's mad at me and I feel horrible.

Two days past and then Kennedy entered the room and sat on my bed.

"Mona what's really wrong?"

"I'm just not feeling well Kennedy."

"That's a lie I know you're lying. Tell me what's going on." She said.

"Nothing just go away please Kennedy." I said a little more aggravated.

"Fine but I will figure out what's going on with you." Kennedy said then she exited my room.

Two weeks passed. I found myself feeling worse and worse. Nash had broken my heart. It occurred to me that I'm in love with Nash like fully in love. But Nash didn't want me so why try. I couldn't answer that so I simply stopped trying at everything. I barely ate,drank, or slept. I didn't get out of bed unless it was for a bathroom break,change of clothes, or shower.  I had truly given up.

A month had then passed and I was in a state of depression. I forced myself to sleep endlessly. When I was awake my chest ached with emotional pain. So I chose to sleep instead. The days started to go by faster when I slept constantly.

I had a real schedule down but then everything changed.

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