To the Newbies Q&A

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Off the topic of the writing stories, this is more of a general chapter. I've heard of multiple people not knowing different things, so this is to the newbies.

What Rules?

When you go to the clubs, make sure to read all the rules in each club (the Cafe, Improve Your Writing, Multimedia Design Club, Industrial Insider, and the genre clubs (Romance, Fan Fiction, etc.)) Yes, each club has different types of rules, though there are a couple that are pretty general to each club.

How do you find these rules?

Click on a club. Scroll down. Click on "All Discussions." Scroll down (to the bottom). Do you see the numbers in boxes (1-8000+)? Those are pages. On the first page, scroll up (to the top). There are a few threads that are on the top, they all have red pins on the left side of the titles (of the thread). You will find the rules to each club where it would say "guidelines."

What is a thread?

In the clubs, you have a list of titles (a forum board) and if you click on a title, you will find a top post (which each post is numbered) and the owner of the thread is sometimes called an OP (Owner of Post). There is a box at the bottom where anyone is allowed to type and comment. This area (a list of comments from other users/OP is called a thread - it's a list of discussions from people. It can also be called a discussion board.

What is an MC?

It's an acronym. Short for main character.

What does SYS stand for?

Acronym. Short for Share Your Story; it's a thread for people sharing their stories - it's the only thread you can advertise, as when you read the rules, you cannot promote stories outside of these designated threads.

What does MDC stand for?

Acronym. Short for Multimedia Design Club. This is a club for people asking for covers, trailers, etc.

How do you edit a thread?

There is a little blue button on the right hand corner, with a little pencil icon next to it on the left. It says "Edit." Click it. It'll bring you to a large bar which is the title of the thread and a box for the body (what you want to say).

How do you close a thread?

The only people that can close threads are mods - moderators for short (part of the ambassador team). There are only two ways to close a thread, though. The first way is to edit the title of the thread and say "Close thread, please." The second way is to tag a mod. If you don't know of any, look at the pinned threads and who they're by. They should be mods.

How do you post a picture/GIF to threads?

There are a few ways to do it, but here is what I do.

For a picture:

- go to

- upload photo

- copy link for "HTML for Websites."

- paste link to the thread.

For a GIF:

- go to

- find and click on the one you want

- click "copy link."

- copy the link for "GIF link."

- and then on the thread, you will use this code: <img src="linkhere"</img>

- delete the "linkhere" part, and you will post the GIF link in-between the quotation marks.

Basic codes?

Italics: <i>

Bold: <b>

Putting it in center: <center>

New paragraph: <p>

Orange background: <blockquote>

Underline: <u>

Strikethrough: <s>

Grey background: [quote] and [/quote] (to end it).

To stop it, use / in front of the letter. For example: Just hold on. <i>Please.</i> I'm begging you. ("Please" will be in italics. "I'm begging you," will not be in italics).

Also, if you want to know how to add in hidden links within words, you can do this code:

<a href=linkhere>what you want to say here</a>

Are there any other questions that newbies might have or that anyone wants me to answer? If so, I can re-edit this chapter and add them in!

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