Getting Inspired

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You can find inspiration anywhere and everywhere. It's true. If you're one of those people who are like, "But I can never get inspired," then you must be looking in the wrong places.

Getting inspired is supposed to be something that comes naturally. You're not supposed to force it to come. It may take a long time to get inspired, it may take a very short time. It all depends on you, what you do to get inspired, and what theme you're wanting to make.

Here are examples to how inspiration can seep through your brain...

Walking or riding (a bike, skateboard, roller-blades, and so on) around in your neighborhood or town, observing how everything is like. Watching a movie, television show, or reading a book. Thinking about your dreams. Playing a video game. Thinking about your past or your life as a whole. Looking at the people around you and trying to guess what their life is and or was like. Experiencing new experiences like having your first kiss, losing your virginity, riding in a limo, going to a party, moving out on your own, going to college (or university to other countries), getting a new pet, getting your first (or more) piercings, getting your first tattoo, driving for the first time, meeting one of your favorite celebrities, going to a concert, getting married, having a child, or even having a near-death experience. Reading or watching something out of your comfort zone. Things like that.

With some of these, you maybe taking a step back and be like, "Some of these I can't do or won't do." Such as losing your virginity, getting married, having a child, or going to college because you may be too young. That is okay. Look at other things you can do for your age that could be like experiencing something new. Maybe something like meeting someone new or moving to a new place.

And some of you are probably looking at that last line for experiencing something new; having a near-death experience. You may be like, "I don't want to have one." But I think some people may have had something similar happen to them where they thought they were going to die. For instance, last year, my sister took me to King's Island, which is a theme park. It was getting late and we ended up going on a roller-coaster. We went on it twice (in a row). But after the first time, as it was coming to a stop, we were talking about what to do. I took off the seat-belt and such because my sister is afraid of heights, and even though we didn't settle on a verdict, I thought we were getting off. But because it was late and the park was about to close, her husband had told us that we could do it again if no one was in our lines. No one was, so we went for another round. So I got back in my seat and tried to put the seat-belt on me. I couldn't attach it. One of the employees was on my side, checking all of the seats to make sure everyone and everything was secure. But they were doing a race (him and another employee) to see who can do it faster. I was skipped and they were just about to start the roller-coaster before I could get my seat-belt on. A few seconds before they decided to go, I called out to the employee that my seat-belt wasn't on. He had finally helped me. I was so close to dying from a roller-coaster... all I could think about was the movie Final Destination 3.

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