This child...was unbelievably strong, they had said.

"Yeah, I agree." Natsu pecked his wife on her lips as he gave the child a wink. "(Y/N), you're embarrassing to be around." He told her.

Then, much to my surprise, the woman who had the Great Salamander wrapped around her finger, said, "you're the one that's embarrassing to be around..."

I thought she would simply throw him a look and ignore his comment. I didn't know (Y/N) well- only the Salamander. Mainly from reading articles from Sorcerer Magazine- who used to speak of him in ill terms.

My book was left open and completely forgotten as I tried to sneak glances at the couple.

"Did you contact Lucy?" (Y/N) asked, coolly. It was hesitant, but traces of jealousy was clear in her voice.

"Just yesterday. Are you jealous?" He cooed, causing me to almost spit out my drink. Never in my life have I ever heard the Dragon Slayer use that tone of voice.

"N-no! Ugh..." His wife turned her head away, her cheeks dusted pink.

'I can see why he fell for her...'

"Mama's jealous?" I heard the small boy ask. "Why is mom jealous?"

"It's because your mother loves me a lot!" Happily, his father told him. "I love Lucas a lot," (Y/N) responded.

The golden-eyed boy stared back and forth at his parents as if he expected them to turn into lions and leap at each others throats.

"Mama, I wanna go see the strippers again!"

This time, I actually spit out my drink. 'What?!'

"Lucas!" I heard the woman's gentle chide. "They're called elephants! Elephants!"

"B-but Uncle Gray said-"

"I told you- he's an idiot." Natsu said, smartly. "Don't listen to him."

After a few more moments of them exchanging words, I returned to my book.

However, as I did so, I felt a small tug on my coat. Setting down my book, I stared into the bright eyes of the legendary Dragneel child.

"Miss..." The boy spoke, with a soft smile. "My mother said I should go apologize to you."

"W-what?" I squeaked, unable to meet his eyes. For a ten-year old, he had the aura of a handsome man.

'Pull yourself together! What are you- a pedophile?'

"Apologize?" I repeated, confused.

"My mother saw you spit out your drink, and-" the boy was interrupted when his mother appeared behind him.

Being so close to the highly-spoken of Dragneel was a bit too much for me. I could've sworn I had stars in my eyes when I looked at her.

She had heterochromia, yet she looked at me with such proud and brave eyes. "I'm really sorry about that," she apologized.

"His vocabulary is a bit weird..." She trailed off, sheepishly.

"U-um!" My voice came out way more high-pitched than it should've. "Can I shake your hand?"

Startled, she took a step back as I sprang out of my seat. "I'm sorry- I'm just an editor for the Sorcerer Magazine." I introduced myself. "I see your name in our articles all the time!"

(Y/N) looked genuinely surprised. "Really?" She glanced back at her husband, who was happily playing with his child.

"Of course," she answered with a warm smile, as she shook my hand.


I watched them depart from outside the cafe. I had moved to sitting on the outside bench- where I could enjoy reading in the sun.

She held her son's hand, while the father had their beautiful daughter in his arms. "What do you feel like doing now?" (Y/N) asked her husband.

He could only smile down at his wife, his pink hair spiking up. "Whatever you want, sweetheart."

I really couldn't believe my ears. This couple was more than just a power duo. 'Incredible...they fit together so perfectly.'

She lightly pecked him on the lips, as they walked away from the cafe. (Y/N) murmured something incoherent to the Salamander, causing him to chuckle.

'The aura they give off is unbeatable.'

'It's really amazing, isn't it?'

T H E     E N D
author's note is after this chapter
please stay tuned for it
thank you for reading

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