Would she ever come back?

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  • Věnováno SkyDoesMinecraft

It was her report card. She was failing every class, except band. She had a D there.

"What do you have to say about this?" Olivia could tell he was bubbling in anger. She had never seen him like this. Never in her life. She began to cry inside.

"I... I..." She babbled.

"Well?! Have you been skipping homework for Minecraft?!"


"Well then, what's the problem!?"

"I'm sorry.." She looked down. "I haven't been able to pay attention." Not even in Minecraft club had she said a word in the last few weeks.

"Why!?" He began to yell.

"I've been distracted!"

"And why is that?! Is this because of Phat?!"

"What about Phat?!"

"I saw you! I saw you with him! I saw him kiss you!" Her heart sank. It had been such a special moment, but now that she knew that....

"No! It's not Phat!" Her face turned red.

"Then who is it!?"

"It's Dawn!" She found herself saying. A single tear fell from her eye. She had been so depressed when she left, and then when the nightmares came...

"I.. I just wish.."

"What? You wish we would get back together!? Well, ya know, these things don't always work out Olivia!" He continued.

"You are acting like every other person who fans me! Like ALL my other subscribers! They all wish we were still together. That it'd ALL work out! I don't even CARE if you're related to me! You're just another stupid fan!!" He burst out.

Anger and hurt filled Olivia. But she held it all in, and she calmly replied to him.

"You know, Sky? You know why I call my subscribers snowflakes? Because they make me who I am. I'm made of snow, and with out snowflakes, I'm nothing. Without fans, you're nothing. Never call your fans stupid. Never take them for granted. Because they make who you are, and they have feelings just like you, Adam."

Another tear fell from her eye. Her voice quivered a little.

"So yes, I am a fan of you Sky. But no one here is stupid."

At that, she ran down the stairs to her room. She jumped onto her bed, and cried until she fell asleep.


"WHAT THE HECK HAVE I DONE!?" Adam thought to himself. Out of anger, he kicked the counter.

"She's my little sister! And I've treated her like dirt!" He kicked it again.

"And why was I so freaked out about her grades?!" He swung his leg back to kick it, but then stopped.

"Because I want her to have a better life. A doctor, a lawyer. Something more that this. Something more than YouTube."

He kicked it again.

"Oh Dawn. What have I done?" He whispered, and kicked it again. It cracked. "Err!" He kicked it one more time, and it broke. It tumbled to the floor.

He was so angry, he did not kick it.


He tiptoed down the stairs, and cracked open her door. He saw her fast asleep, her face red with tears.

He welded up in guilt, and closed her door. He walked upstairs, and went to the robin's nest. Olivia had named them Mudkip, Kermit, Ty, and Jason. He hoped their sweet little faces would make him feel better. But when he climbed the ladder, he found the nest was empty. The birds had grown up, and had left the nest.

"She's going to leave the nest someday." He thought. "What after that?" His heart began to sink. Would she ever come back?

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