For being Seto.

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  • Dedicated to SetoSorcerer

"I don't think Ethan likes me." Olivia said as they sat on the grass. They had had their s'mores, and now they went to find something to do while the guys discussed what to do for their next videos.

"What?! Why?" Asked Phat.

"I dunno. Maybe he doesn't want to warm up to a new Sky recruit."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. The Navy has really tufted him up. Plus, he was bullied in school like Adam and Ty."

"I guess so. You wan'a play hide and seek?"

"Sure!" They both stood up.

"Not it!" Olivia yelled.

"Dang it! One! Two! Three! Four!..." Olivia bolted to the woods that was behind the house. She knew Phat would never find her. When she reached the edge of it, she sat down and tried to make herself comfortable. She made a little area clear of leaves and twigs, sat down, and hugged her knees. It had rained while they watched the movie, and the ground and leaves where still wet. It was so peaceful. She began to think about what Phat had said.

"...He was bullied in school like Adam and Ty."

"Oh, I WISH I could have stopped the bullying they had had. I wish I had been there to support them. I wish...." Olivia looked beside her, and saw a bracelet on the ground. It had pink, yellow, and blue small beads. In cubed beads it spelled "A Wish." She picked it up, and put it on. She admired it. She then herd her name being called.

"Olivia! I give up! Where are you!?" She smirked. Her hiding skills hadn't failed her. She got up, and ran as fast as she could, dodging trees and branches that could pock her in the face.

"Hi!" She cleared the woods and ran to her companion.

"Aw man! I need a brake from this!" He threw his arms in the air.

"Aw, you poor thing!" Olivia said in sarcastic tone. They both plopped themselves on the bench that was on the side of the house. Olivia began to admire her bracelet.

"What's that?" He pointed to her wrist.

"The strangest thing." She slouched from a moment, but straightened herself. "I was hiding in the woods. I was making a wish, and I just saw it there on the ground."

"Maybe it's magical." He laughed.

"You are SetoSorcerer!" She laughed with him, then stopped.

"I was wishing I could have helped my brother in school."

"No one would have picked on him if you had gave them, The Look." They chuckled. She then went serious.

"If this IS something you could make a wish with, why isn't it gold with the words carved into it? That a least looks magical AND beautiful. And is my wish going to come true?" She turned to him. He looked down.

"Probably not. If you make a wish, really it comes true if it works with the way things go. If it works with the course of time. Like if you wish that dinosaurs would come back, because they won't. They're gone forever."

He looked at her, and smiled.

"Except in Jurassic Park." She smiled back to him, and he continued.

"It's also like asking you're parents for something. If you begged them to let you eat as much candy as you wanted, they wouldn't let you because they know you would get really sick in the end. But if you asked for a small piece of dark chocolate, your chances are better because you won't get sick. Really, it's about the out come, or that it goes along in with fate. Although that is such a nice thing to think, we just can't help Adam, Ethan, and Ty in school. It's over and done with. We can't go back in time. And I've been thinking, as sad as it was, if they hadn't had the bullying, they might have not had the push to be who they is. SkyDoesMinecraft, 5m, and Deadlox. After all, the best way to get back at someone is to succeed." He looked back down.

"Is that the way with you are in school?"

"Kinda." He frowned.

"And about the bracelet. If you found a 'magical' bracelet, like the one you described, it would make people think you could make any wish, any time, and BAM!! Anything you want. It could also make people think it was unlimited, and people would waste their wishes on senseless things. Your bracelet, it probably means you get one wish because it doesn't LOOK like it's magical. You get one wish. That's it. And it will only come true if it's really needed."

He looked at her wrist.

"The girl who had that last was probably in a awful situation. Maybe she was in the woods after dark, and was trapped by a pack of cioties. She might have wished for the strength to climb a tree. Or she wished to find her sister while she was lost in the forest, or she just needed to find home." He looked at the woods that lay ahead of them.

"It may work that, when your gift is granted, it is no longer yours. You some how lose the bracelet, so someone els can find it. You got what you needed, and that's that."

He looked at her again.

"I don't know how YOU will spend your wish. Maybe if you get nervous at a speech or standing up to someone for being mean. Maybe that is how you will use your wish instead of it being to help Adam. But it's your wish. No one controls that but the wish itself." He looked into her eyes.

"But that's to someone who BELIEVES in wishes. That would be their point of view on it, and the bracelet. If they do, that's ok.. I don't, and that's ok too. We can believe in anything we want."

He smiled.

"I've never thought of it that way." She turned to him. "You should write a book, call "A Wish." She dramatically spread her arms apart. They both had a little laugh, but she soon stopped.

"Thanks Phat."

"For what?"

"For being there for me. For being you, and for being Seto. Thank you." She whispered. Her cheeks where blushed. Her eyes turned red, with a tear in her eye and running down her cheek.

She looked up, and saw that Phat was leaning in, with his eyes closed. Inside, she panicked. She didn't know what to do. She had never had her first kiss. She swallowed her fear, and slowly leaned into him as well.

It was such a sweet kiss. Lightly on the lips, but just so magical. After all, it was SetoSorcerer.

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