Her brother!

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On Monday, it was band rehearsal. Olivia had been really down sense Saturday night. Her friends couldn't see it, but her fellow band members could.

"What's wrong Olivia? You haven't been your mad insane self lately." That was Benjamin. He likes Star Wars, Star Trek, and ships as much as Olivia likes Minecraft, Jurassic Park, and betta fish.

"Yeah Olivia. What's the matter?" Davin. Benjamin's best friend. Red haired, and plays the trumpet. He sometimes out dos Olivia for insanity.

"Olivia, what's wrong. It's ok. You can talk to us." Ah, Eli. Glasses, and loves this green elf hoddie he always wears to school. Plays the tuba, and is in the Minecraft club. These guys, she can depend on the as much as her other friends. Olivia loved them for that.

"Well..." She said as she got out her french horn. "It's about Dawn."

"Oh Olivia. I'm so sorry. I herd the news."

"What? Whose Dawn?" Benjamin said. Olivia didn't discus Minecraft around him, because it irritated him.

"Adam's ex-fiancé ." Eli grimaced.

"Whose Adam?" Davin asked. Eli could tell she was about to cry.

"Her brother!"

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that Olivia." Benjamin was so sincere, she would have hugged them all, but Mr. Sear told them it was time to sit down. She smiled at the three, and then class started.

Sis(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) Minecraft :)Where stories live. Discover now