I have a sister!

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Adam was eating breakfast with Dawn and Dakota when the phone rang. He put down his omelet and reached for the phone. He held it to his ear, shushing the other two's conversation on why Adam should never cook again.

"Hello is this Adam-"


"I have wonderful news! When your parents died in the accident, did anyone tell you that you have a sister?" He was cheerful in his voice.

"What!" Adam was shocked. Dawn and Dakota asked what was wrong, but he ignored them.

"Indeed. For the past two years, she has been living with foster parents. Now we know she has a living relative, she will no longer be an orphan. She will be in Seattle tomorrow at 1:00 pm. I will email you where she will be getting off. You are to go to the airport and pick her up. I will send the paper work later. Enjoy your new arrival!" The phone went dead.

"What was that?" Both Dawn and Dakota asked in chorus.

"I have a sister!"

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