A name: Author's note

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated much lately, but I've been unpacking. Soooo, on the chapter at minecon, if you didn't see, I added two new characters because they are my best friends here. HECK!! They're the ones who first showed me MINECRAFT!!!! So if you want to thank them, leave it in the comments and I'll tell them that, because I'm seeing them later tonight. Also, in the minecon chapter, I mentioned a garage band. The four of us, including my little sister, are going to start a garage band this summer, and we'll put us playing on YouTube. The thing is though, WE NEED A NAME!! We already have everything els figured out: Adam(The Moon) is drum, Sydney(Honey Bunches) is piano, my sister will be tamburri, and I'll be singer. We need help in thinking of a name. If you are the one who comes up with the name, the chapter that we play and the first video we do for YouTube will be dedicated to you! There are a few rules:

1.) It has to be original. (No other band has used it, or it can't already be trade marked.

Example: Survivor, Black Eyed Peas, Hersey Bars.

2.) It has to be clean. (Nothing dirty or inappropriate. This is a 13 year old for all ages.)

Example: I hope you all know what I mean, because this story is rated G.

3.) Nothing Minecraft. (We LOVE Minecraft, but we just don't want the band to revolve around it, but we might make a few songs in honor of it.)

Example: Creepers(Already trade marked), Notch, Enderman, Herobrine(Although, I do kind of want to name the band "Herobrine" if we WERE going to name it after Minecraft, but they don't like it, but oh well! (-:), Ender Dragon.

Also, keep in mind the pianoist is a guy so he doesn't want girly things, which I respect.

That's the rules. If we all like it, we will use it. So leave it in the comments!

Love yah my peeps!

Sis(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) Minecraft :)Where stories live. Discover now