This is a true family.

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Olivia looked around her. She saw everyone together, just all watching the movie. This was her family.

"Famacheese!" She put her hands in the air. Everyone looked at her, and then back to the movie. Olivia just loved The Avengers. She always liked to repeated her favorite lines. She always laughed when Thor said Loki was adopted. She giggled when Stark shocked Banner in the side. She couldn't breath when Banner rode into the scene on the broken up moped. She was happy that everyone cheered when he said "That's my secret Captain. I'm always angry."

She loved to scream "Hulk.. Smash!" When he jumped on the building. No one thought it was annoying, because it showed she was having a good time, and so where they.

When the movie ended, the guys went up stairs to talk on the porch while Olivia and Phat stayed downstairs and played Wii Resort.

"What?! Lucy's driving?" Phat cried as they did the wake bored. Olivia had made her doll a mii for no reason, and apparently, she had been randomly selected to drive the boat.

"Ha! 203 points! Beat that!" He finished.

"My pleaser." Phat had never seen her play Wii before. After three tries, Olivia got 100 points on one flip. After that, it was 100 points for every flip until her one minute and 30 seconds was up.

"And my total is.... 1,567!"

"Ah!" Phat covered his ears. "Why me! Why me!"

They then played the cycling. Olivia played as Lucy, and was just about to cross the finish line when her Mii gave out in exhaustion. Then Phat crossed the finish as first place.

"What?!" She cried.

"Olivia!" Adam called down the stairs.


"Come up here! It's too nice outside to play Wii!"

"Got it!" She turned it off, and both ran up the stairs to the guys.

"What should we do?" She asked.

"Go show Phat the lake over there. But try not to fall in." The two raced to Howling Lake.

"Well, here it is." She said as they stood on the dock. Phat approached her with his hands out.

"Push me in you're dead." She kept a strait face, but they both burst into laughter. Phat tripped and fell in. She laughed even harder. When Phat came up for air, she released he was reaching for her foot, but in was too late.


Both of them walked back to the house. When they reached the guys, Adam held back laughter at the sight of them. They were socked, covered in algae, and Olivia had hunched her back as steam came out of her ears.

"Well." Adam put his hands together with a big clap, and rubbed them together.

"He pulled me in."

"You started it."

"What?!" They didn't even look at each other. They kept their eyes on Adam as they tried to defend themselves. Ty chuckled.

Olivia turned to him and gave what Adam called 'The look.' She would just stare at you blankly and say nothing.

"Look's like hotdoglox is in trouble!" Jason loudly whispered as he leaned into Ty. Everyone burst into laughter. Olivia couldn't keep a straight face. She found herself on the ground.

"This is a true family." She thought to herself.

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