Meah? Is that you?

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After the editing, everyone uploaded their video. After that, Olivia's stomach growled.

"I forgot, I promised pizza." Adam smiled. "You want Ty and Jason to come?"

"I'd love that!" Adam squatted, and Olivia hopped onto his back. Still giving her a piggy back ride, and texted Ty and Jason for pizza. The four walked to the car, and Olivia dropped from his back, and climbed in.


After picking up Ty and Jason, squeezing into the small car, they drove to Papa Murphy's. When they arrived, they saw the closed sign.

"Aw. I forgot. They're having renovations on the restaurant. Sorry Olivia." Adam turned to his sister, but she was looking across the street at Subway.

"It's okey. How about Subway?" They walked across to the Subway, and Olivia got her favorite sandwich: Italian six inch, toasted, with turkey, roast beef, bacon, and cheddar cheese. She always had cucumber and lettuce. After they ordered, Dawn had the idea to go onto the dock to eat. When they arrived, the six hung sat at the edge of the board walk with their feet dangling. Olivia had finished most of her sandwich when sea gulls began to swarm them.

"Ah! Oh no!" Dawn screamed. They began to shoo the birds, but they would not leave.

"Here, I got it." Olivia stood up, and ran away from the five. She began waving the rest of her sandwich in the air.

"Hey you stupid birds! Over here!" Olivia truly loved animals, but thought the insult was called for. Sure enough, the sea gulls began land all around her as she began throwing food. She gave all of the sandwich except for one large chuck of bread. She held it above her head. Adam, Dawn, Dakota, Ty, and Jason watch as one daring sea gull swooped down and snatched it from her hand. Olivia clapped her hands."He was smart." They all chuckled. They sat there for another half hour when a group of kids peddled by them on peddle boats. The boat with the boys looked at Olivia and tilted their heads. Olivia sheepishly waved.

"Meah? Is that you?" One of them asked. Olivia shook her head.

"What's your name then?" Another asked.

"Olivia!" She called to them.

"Hi!" The boys said. They began to whisper to the girls.

"Hi Olivia!" The girls began to wave their arms vigorously. "You're my best friend!"

"Hi!" She waved back. The five chuckled to themselves, as Olivia put her hands on her knees and laughed.

"What's your names?" She called to them after she straightened.

"I'm Ashlee!" One called out.

"I'm Chrishtyn!" Another called.

"I'm Terri!" Another girl called back. They peddled to the dock, and climbed out. What Olivia didn't see was that there were five more peddle boats behind them. They all hopped onto the dock and hugged her. They laughed and talked. They complemented Olivia's butter creeper hat; Olivia never leaves home without it. Olivia later told Ashlee one of her best friends name is Ashlee, and she thought that was too cool. When the sun began to set, Olivia gave them her skype. They still didn't know she was SkyDoesMinecraft's little sister, and Olivia loved that.

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