There are going to be some MIGHTY good changes with you around.

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When Olivia got into Dakota's car, she screamed. He looked back at her.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" He was worried.

"I had the best day ever! I'm president of the MC club!" She had a big grin on her face.

"It MUST have been a good day then. When you finish your homework you wanna go to the skate board park?"

"HECK YEAH!!!!" She screamed. Dakota covered his ears. They both laughed.

"Life is good." She told him as they drove off.


Olivia finished her homework and drove with Adam and Dakota to the park. They showed her the basic moves on her skate board, and she was set to go.

"You go make some friends. Don't let us cramp your style." He yelled to her as she road away.

"You're the reason I HAVE style!" She yelled back as she did a jump.


Olivia found a group of guys her age. She started to skate, but found herself alone. They had left her because she wasn't as good as them and she was a girl. Even though those guys would be IN LOVE with her, she didn't want to tell them who she was. They'd like her for her fame, and not for her.

"Not much luck, huh." She turned around. It was Phat. "I don't have any friends here either." Phat was only taller than her by a few inches. She could see the top of his head; it had a goose egg on it.

"Ow." She said.

"Yeah. I'm not very good either."

"Ah well. At least we're good at Minecraft." They both smiled.

"How was school today?" He asked her.

"Very well. They nominated me their president for the Minecraft club."

"They have that?" He laughed. She smiled.

"They don't have one at your school?" She asked as a reply.


"Hmm. I'm sure you would be their president if they did."

"No. They don't know who I am. At school, I'm just 'Phat' and nothing els." He frowned.

"I don't have many friends. In fact, I have none at all. Just Team Crafted."

"Well, I'm your friend, and I'm not a 20 year old." She laughed. "What was it like, being the only 13...14 year old in Team Crafted?"

"I'm 13 and it was ok, but a little strange. Everyone is so older than you, you fell as if you don't belong. I remember SlamACow once played cops and robbers, but I didn't play that round. I was doing homework." He looked at the ground. "There are going to be some MIGHTY good changes with you around." He smiled.

Sis(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) Minecraft :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora