This is the best day of my life

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Adam drove them out of the airport. He turned on the radio, and he and Dakota began to sing along to the songs. Dawn danced to the music in her seat. Olivia just stared out the window.

"Am I really here?" She thought to herself.


When they pulled up to the apartment, Dakota grabbed Olivia's suite case and pulled it up the stairs. Olivia crawled out of the car, and ran ahead to Dakota.

"Hi." He looked down at her. Olivia just stared ahead. When they reached the door, Adam yelled ahead to Olivia. She turned around, and he threw her the keys. She stared at them for a second, then slipped them into the lock. When she opened the door, she was greeted by streamers, a banner with her name on it, and the whole Minecraft crew.

"Why, thank you! I wasn't expecting a party!" Dakota yelled and raised his arms. Burt shoved him, and he fell down. Everyone burst into laughter, including Olivia and Dakota. Ty walked up to Olivia, and gave her a hug. Then Jason, then Burt, then Quentin, then Bonkers, then Jerome, then Mitch, then Steve, then Zach, then Jordan, then Taylor, then Dan, and everyone els at the party gave her a hug. Phat gave her a fist pump. Everyone said the same thing: Welcome home. Then Adam, Dawn, and Dakota had a group hug around her.

"This is the best day of my life." She said to herself.

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