Reversed Sick Days (E)

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From: Grayson
Hey y/n. Ethan's sick and he's been asking for you all day. Think you could come over for a little while?

To: Grayson
On my way. I'll see you soon!

From: Grayson
Now he's yelling at me because he doesn't want you to get sick..

To: Grayson
Ignore him. I'll deal with him when I get there

You smile as you slip one of Ethan's hoodies over your head and grab your car keys off of your dresser.

You leave your house and head to Ethan's.


You arrive minutes later and are greeted by Grayson, who has a smile on his face. "He's in his room." You smile to yourself as you enter their house and give Gray a quick hug followed by a small, 'hello'. Then, you start up the stairs. You turn the corner and start walking down the hallway to Ethan's room.

You hear a cough and a sniffle from behind the closed door.

You open it, revealing Ethan in joggers and no shirt, playing Mario kart on the wii. His eyes dart to you and then quickly back to the game.

"Ethan. You need to be resting," you scold as you walk over to the wii. You turn it off, earning a loud groan from Ethan, and then walk over to him.

You kiss his forehead, but quickly pull away when you feel how hot he is.

"Baby, you're burning up. Let me get you some Advil," You say as you quickly go to the bathroom.

You grab the bottle of Advil, twist the cap off, pour 2 m&m shaped pills into your hand and go back to his room.

He holds out his hand and you give them to him. He then grabs a bottle of water and swallows the pills.

"Okay. Now rest," you say as you take your shoes off and crawl into bed next to him. You cuddle up to his chest and you wrap your arm around him.

"Man I love being sick," he says with his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. "Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"Because I get extra cuddles from the most beautiful girl in the world."



I got this idea from my good friend, mended_mendes but I switched it up a bit!!

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