"How was it?"

"Good. They were too young to go on the regular trampoline area, so I had to take them in the kid zone." I nodded my head. "What did you do today?"

"Laid in bed, online shopped a little, and ate everything in the kitchen." He laughed.

"I'll go grocery shopping. Make a list while I go shower."

"Alright. Thank you."

"Anything for you." He gave me a kiss before he ran upstairs to shower.

I put the kids down for a nap while Justin was at the grocery store. 

Pattie is coming over tonight to watch them while me and Justin go to dinner with Fredo, Ryan, Chaz, Miley, Za, Taylor and Fredos girlfriend Sarah.

"Have you thought of names yet?" I shook my head.

"I'm stuck on the godmother." We're currently at dinner and everything is going great so far. I'm having a really good time.

"Want to tell them now?" I overheard Taylor whispering in Ryans hear. In the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head. That got my attention.

After dinner everyone decided to go out. I wanted to go home because I don't want to go to a club whilepregnant.

"You can go out. Have some fun."

"No, its okay. I'll go home. I'm kind of tired."

"You sure?" He nodded his head and we said our goodbyes to everyone.

"Whats up with Ryan and Taylor?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I overheard Taylor whispering to Ryan." He didn't say anything. "Justin. Do you know something?" He still stayed quiet. He didn't say anything cause he didn't want to lie to me. "Justin tell me."

"I can't. I promised them. They're going to tell you, just wait."

"Ugh fine." He kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He cooed. I smiled and said I love you back.

Today me and Ryan are going to lunch. He asked me to go because he wanted to talk about something. I'm kind of scared to find out what it is.

"How have you been?"

"Honestly, all I have been doing is sitting on the couch eating my whole pantry. This baby eats more than the twins did."

"Maybe theres more than 2."

"Don't say that!" We both laughed.

"So I have to tell you something." I swallowed my water.

"Yeah?" He took a deep breath.

"Taylor is pregnant." I choked on my salad.

"Seriously?" He nodded his head.

"Was it planned?" He shook his head.

"Do you want the baby?"

"I'm not ready for it. But I'm not getting rid of my child." I nodded my head. I didnt know how to react.

"Well I'm always here for you Ry. You should know that."

"I do. Thanks Steph."

The rest of the lunch me and Ryan talked about what he was going to do. He doesn't know if he's going to propose to Taylor. He's only 24. He's not ready to settle down. He loves her but he doesn't want to rush everything.

I got home and changed into Justins shirt and boy shorts. He wasn't in our room so I went to his studio room to see if he was in there. He wasnt. I looked everywhere. 

The last place I looked was the back yard. And there he was, looking at the mountain view.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hi. How was dinner?"


"Did he tell you?"

"Mhmm." I unwrapped my arms from Justins waist and stood next to him looking at the mountains. 

"He's scared."

"Did you tell him we're here for him." I nodded my head.

"He just doesn't know what to do. He's not even sure he wants to marry Taylor."

"Taylor doesn't seem like the marriage type."

"I think when she finds the right person, she'll be a good wife. But I don't think Ryan is the one." I nodded in agreement.

"We should go inside. It's getting late."

"Just a couple minutes, its so beautiful out here." He nodded his head and gave me a kiss. 

"I love you Stephanie. I always will."

"I love you top Justin. I'm so glad you came back to Canada that day." He smiled and gave me another kiss.

Reconnected (A Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now