Rest: Donatello

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Once we set up an easy entrance/exit to our temporary home, Master Splinter went to one of the spare rooms to find peace and we were left to our own devices. Of course Mikey went straight to the kitchen to make pizza but I won't complain, I'm going to sneak some later. I decided to do some training so I left the rest of the group in the lobby while I went to explore the pizzeria.

There wasn't much to do without drawn by to much attention, so I set up a little exercise room using random scrap metal and pizza boxes. I was trying to blow off some steam when Donnie snuck up behind me, jabbing me in the side. I instantly squirmed away from him but he kept tickling me until I attacked him back.

"S-STOP (Y/N) PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!" He shouted. I let him go and he caught his breath.



"If we fail, the earth is doomed... Do you really think we can do this? Do you think-" he started babbling but I stopped him.

-Donnie stop. All we have to do is find Splinter, get back his humanity, and save the world. How hard can it be?" I joked with a light chuckle.

"That simple?" He said, reminding me of our time at the farmhouse.

"That simple."

He lightly kissed my nose before leaving the room. He probably had things to do before the big day tomorrow.

How hard can it be.....

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