He gets you back: Raphael

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All day today I've been enduring the boringness of school so that I could protect (y/n).

Apparently my human self is very attractive. Girls have been staring at me all day, but I couldn't care less. After school I'm going to take (y/n) to the science museum and I know she'll love it.

I was waiting outside for her to come out when one of the school sluts walked up to me.

"Hey handsome...wanna come over to my place tonight?" She asked.

"No thanks..." I said to try to send her away but she just wouldn't stop. Then she started making out with me. I tried to push her off without hurting her and people were staring. I guess it looked like I was making out with her.

After a little while I finally got her off of me and she was....smiling....

Then (y/n)'s stupid ex boyfriend came over.

"Thank you Alyssa. I'll take it from here." He said and she walked away.

"What did you do!?!" I asked him and he smirked.

"I paid my good friend Alyssa to help me frame you. You do know that (y/n) saw you guys making out correct?" He said and my eyes widened.

"She'll come crawling back to me in no time. Goodbye Raphael." He said as he walked away. I decided to go look for (y/n) instead of breaking his face.

I looked everywhere. It's been days and she is nowhere to be found. She hasn't gone to school. She wasn't at her house, the library, museums, anywhere!!!

I was just about to give up on everything. I haven't done anything but search and I know my family is concerned but I don't really care. Casey hates me now but I haven't been worrying anything else but (y/n).

I was scouting the city for her when I spotted a bar. I've been stressed out so I put on my human watch and went inside to get a drink.

When I walked inside I sat at the bar and ordered a whiskey. I looked around and saw a guy trying to pick up a hot date. When I looked closer I saw that it was...


She was dressed completely out of her comfort zone and has multiple empty glasses in front of her. I listen into the conversation before interrupting.

"So, do you want to go back to my place and have some fun?"

"No thanks bruh." She said but the guy wasn't taking no for an answer, so I gave it to him personally.

"She said no, fuck off!" I said, pushing him away and carrying her out the door.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" I told her and she laughed. She must be incredibly drunk..

"Woah! You look just like this guy I was with. But I don't think we're together anymore... I saw him making out with this slut I know. So, I figured he must want someone like her. I got all slutified and decided to do some research on if this would make him love me again..." She explained as she started to cry.

Seeing her like this broke my heart. I love her so much and she thought all these negative things about herself.

"(Y/n) I am Raph! Everything was a big misunderstanding. I'll explain when your sober again but for now let's get you back to the lair." I said as I turned off my watch and carried her to the lair.

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